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Book signing question


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One of my favorite authors will be in town soon. :)


I've never been to a book signing before.


With the purchase of his newest book, he'll sign his older books too.


All of my books are paperback.


Would asking him to sign paperbacks be in bad taste?

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So you're going to buy a hardcover of the new book, and then ask him to sign some older paperbacks, too? I am sure that will be fine! Have fun!


I've only been to one book signing in my life- and it was the guy from the Red Hot Chili Peppers (I can't even remember his name), and I only went because I have a sister in law who LOVES that band, and she wanted someone to go with her. So I drove with her from PA to NYC and we had so much fun just waiting on this line. We were people-watching, joking around with other people on line, everyone was in great spirits, it was a fun atmosphere.


I can't even tell you how many people stopped and asked, "What are you guys waiting on line for?"


And we'd tell them. For a while.


Eventually, we started making things up.


"American Idol Auditions," for example.


Yeah, it was funny.


Since I was there anyway, I bought a book and had the guy sign it. Now I have this signed book by the Red Hot Chili Peppers guy, whose name I can't even remember, and whose book I never even finished reading. Maybe I should just sell it or something lol.

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Nope! not at all. You're buying the new book...that's what he's there for! If he has a huge library and you own them all, I probably wouldn't take them all, but definitely take what you have! Have fun with it..and take pics!


The last book signing we went to was for Alton Brown and we had the BEST time. We are huge fans and it was so much fun! And when my son met John Erickson (Hank the Cowdog fame), he was in complete awe :)

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