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Poison Ivy, what point to go to the dr.?

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Last weekend I was being a good Samaritan (or so I thought) I helped a friend clean up her yard. There was some poison Ivy and I was very careful, however I ended up getting some on my arm. I did wash right away, but by Tuesday it had appeared. I've been taking Benadryl & using Zanfel. I've got probably a 1.5x2" section above my wrist that is the worst, but I have spots on my other arm, above that larger section, on my leg and on my neck. The larger spot is constantly oozing. I'm afraid if I got to the dr. they won't give me anything stronger than OTC meds and I'll just be paying for nothing. We pay OOP so I don't want it to just be wasted money. We've not lived here long, so I don't have a regular dr. that I could just call and see if they would give me something without going in.


Any advice? Will it clear up on it's own? and how long should I expect it to take?




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If it turns red and the red starts spreading and your arm starts to swell up, I would go ASAP. DH got poison ivy on his shin and a week later he was in the hospital with cellulitis. Not to scare you, but be very careful with it and keep an eye on it.


My grandma got poison ivy and the dr ended up giving her a cortisone shot because it wasn't healing fast and it was super itchy. She won't go near her garden anymore and hires it out.;)

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Don't know if it's helpful with poison ivy, but I recently had a wound and put polysporin on it. Apparently I'm allergic to it. I had a rash that reminded me of poison ivy - weepy, small bumps, wouldn't heal.


After 3 days I went to the urgent care. They gave me a prescription steroid cream. It helped me heal in a couple of days, so if the weeping and oozing doesn't stop, you might try an urgent care. (This was a CVS walk-in clinic... and the steroid was generic, so it may not be too expensive.)


Hope you feel better soon!

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When my son gets in contact with it, he develops red bumps, a few of which ooze. It clears up on its own within several days. We use homeopathic remedies, which have already been mentioned by others. No doctor trip for him. However, my husband is terribly allergic to it, and his oozing quickly ( in a matter of days) turns from oozing bumps into entire arms oozing. There is NO home remedy that will clear it up. OTC steroid creams do nothing for him. He has to have a steroid shot AND an oral round of steroids. For this reason, it is highly irresponsible for anyone to tell you not to go to the doctor. Only you can see what it looks like today and know if it is getting worse by the day or if it is about the same. For my husband, the sooner he gets the shot and oral meds, the better. He can prevent the HUGE reaction that awaits him if he doesn't "nip it in the bud". Take a good look at it each day. If it looks the same or better within 3-4 days, then you should be able to handle it on your own. If it looks worse over the first several days. . .GO.

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I can be within a mile of that stuff and break out, it seems. Every time I get it, it is horrible!!! I wouldn't go to the doctor if I had it at the stage you have it. I never go unless it's on my face close to my eyes. When I do go, the doctors always tell me they've never seen anyone with a case like mine, lol. Then I end up on oral steroids (which I detest) and prescription steroid cream. I usually just use Calamine, really. I think it is the best thing to dry up the oozing, and believe me, I have tried every OTC med there is. It's okay to take Benadryl by mouth, but do not put it on rash.

:grouphug: I know it's miserable.

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My DH used to get poison ivy about once a month in the summer months when we lived on 5 acres. He would get it probably about as bad as you have it, sometimes worse. He would routinely go to the dr. to get a cortisone shot and some prednisone. One time a dr. decided to give him the oral steriods that you take over 7 days, he agreed to it, but it didn't help him like getting the shot. The shot worked better for him. Apparently, you get the same amount of steriods from the shot or the oral meds.


The Prednisone helped with the itching. He swears by that for him. Everyone is different.


When I get it, I only go to the dr. if it's really bad. I'll get a few spots when he gets it. It just depends how much it annoys me. If it is preventing you from doing what you think needs to be done, then I would go to the doctor.


Good luck. :)

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