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Bread making question....

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I am having a guest this weekend (Mary Hood, for anyone who remembers that she'll be here to do a conference), and I was thinking of making some of my yummy wholewheat bread with my Bosch, for breakfast toast and lunches and whatnot.


So what I was thinking of doing was making three loaves of bread, and using the dough for the fourth one to make rolls instead. I know this seems like a simple thing but I've never done that before.


Could I make the dough and shape the rolls on Thursday and put them in the fridge, then take them out Friday, let them rise, and bake them for supper?

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Could I make the dough and shape the rolls on Thursday and put them in the fridge, then take them out Friday, let them rise, and bake them for supper?


Hi Ellie,

I see no reason why this wouldn't work. The only concern I'd have is that a) won't the pan take up a lot of space? and b) be sure to cover very tightly so the dough doesn't get dried out. If possible, I think I'd prefer to put the lump of dough in the fridge, then roll out on baking day. Either way, I think your plan will work just fine.:)

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Ellie, I've done that before and it can work... you might find that the rolls do sorta rise a little in the fridge, and the crust can dry out a little. What I do is spray Pam on them and cover tightly with saran wrap to keep them moist. You could just put the dough into the fridge unformed (covered bowl or ziploc) and then shape the rolls right before baking. That would probably give you more predictable results (maybe not better results, but at least it will turn out the way you expect).


Good luck! Sounds like a fun visit!



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