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Is this too much math?


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My dd is in 2nd grade and this is our first year hs'n. I know I am not suppose to try to catch her up to 'grade level', but I can't help but be concerned with how far 'behind' she is in math. I am having to go back to the basics...basic addition (2+1). She was playing a math game today on the computer (her idea) and the problem was 4+3 with the little animals at the top to count...she was one off and became so upset, "THIS IS TOO HARD, I DON'T GET IT" and pushed her chair away from the desk and said "I'm DONE!" We worked through the next few together and she did great.


This is what I've been doing, but is it too much?


Right Start B (we are on lesson 17) for our main curriculum and then in the evening for homework, I am having her complete one MM worksheet on addition. Is this okay?


I'd love opinions.

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I do not think that is too much, but I tend to go on the other side of the spectrum and do too much math... that's my background.


When I started RightStart B in first grade it was just too simple for dd. So I switched back to Singapore - Singapore is more advanced, so now in second grade we are finishing up 1B, and to my surprise they are doing things like... 57 + 14 - even mentally. I think this goes beyond public school, but I was never in public schools in the US. My dd was 7 in June.

I also do the CWP, and 2 pages of Abeka workbook (too easy, but some different concepts there) a day. Usually 4 times a week. When I will finish 1B, I will do every day RightStart activities sheets, IP for SIngapore and continue with Abeka 2 pages a day. I also need to do more mental math.

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