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Moving Blog--Wordpress Questions

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I found out this week that my blog's host (vox.com) is shutting down as of the end of the month. Fortunately they are making it pretty easy to switch over to a Wordpress or TypePad account. I've checked out both but my question is, with Wordpress, it seems like all the templates only show an excerpt of my blog posts. I want the full posts visible on the main page. I did go to Settings>Reading and select show full post in feeds, but it's still only showing part of each post. Is this feature template-specific?


Also, when I imported, it only transferred the posts from 2010-- none of my older ones. Does anyone have any experience with this and, if so, know why none all of my old Vox posts were imported?


I hope someone can help! I've searched the Wordpress help center with no luck so far.

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I'm a wordpress newbie...but I believe the full post problem might be solved by switching themes. Once on a theme, you can go to their settings and choose full or partial.


I am about to move to wordpress from blogger, and I have been blogging since 2006, so unfortunately I think I will have to pay someone to move me- I just don't want the headache/tears...and I have things to do, like homeschooling!


This site had reasonable charges I thought for moving.


You might need to get a custom quote since you are coming from Vox. Or, you might want to join The Blog Frog community and ask on the forums if someone could help you, some nice tech savvy person might be willing to help you.


I am using the atahualpa theme from bytesforall- it's a free theme, and is very easy to work with- it's supposed to be very close to the thesis premium theme, which is the one I am drooling over but don't want to pay for yet. Anyways, I have atahualpa on my test blog- and I do have full posts.


good luck, I know your angst, I will be doing this next month with my blog...

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Thank you so much, Jen! I kind of went a round about way-- first imported into Typepad, then into Word Press, but that seemed to do the trick and pull in all my posts.


Also, I think you were right about the theme thing; once I changed that I was able to see full posts instead of partial.


Thanks again; I spent the day working on it and I'm all set up! Good luck with your move when the time comes. :)

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