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From Singapore to Math Mammoth Placement???


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Brandonsmom- I am not as good as Jackie at compairing Singapore to MM, but I will give my reasons. And just a disclaimer before i do: DH has recently asked me to continue with both programs, so we are actually doing MM AND Singapore. I decided I would humor DH in this as he never asks me for anything, it is totally not necessary to do both programs.


Things Singapore and MM have in common: They are both in the Asian style of teaching math, they are Mastery programs, the really teach the kids the hows and whys of math. They are similar in how they go about teaching math as well, they are both strong programs.


Their differences: Singapore is more colorful, cartoony and eye appealing IMO. BUT it has so many different books to juggle, is more expensive, and often takes large conceptual leaps that the child has difficulty following at times.


MM- Is a little less eye appealing, it is more simplistic in that it uses shapes and things to illustrate, rather than using cartoons. It does have color. It is less expensive. The teaching is right at the top of the page and it is very well explained. The child, if an independent learner, can often do this program alone. With my DD I read through the instructions with her and then turn her loose to complete the work.


Even though MM is less eye appealing, I prefer it to Singapore because of the lack of conceptual jumps, the clear explanations, it is in one book, and the price.


You mentioned the other program you were comparing is Saxon. That program is very different from MM and Singapore as it is a Spiral type program. Some kids need a more Spiral type, some loathe it. My DD loathes spiral. I have never used Saxon, so I cannot compare it with the others for you.

Edited by bluemongoose
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Bbrandon's mom,


I like the conceptual teaching in Singapore, but my ds often found himself frustrated with it. From what I've heard on here, it seems some people find Math Mammoth to be more independent for the child and in the words of the previous poster, it seems to not take so many "conceptual jumps" as it seems that Singapore does. That is the reason why I am considering it.

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Brandonsmom- I am not as good as Jackie at compairing Singapore to MM, but I will give my reasons....

Hey, you did a great job! :001_smile:


I would add that MM was designed specifically for homeschoolers, whereas Singapore was designed to be taught in a classroom setting by trained teachers. One reason for the "conceptual leaps" in Singapore is that it assumes the teacher is going over these concepts in class, so the "text" doesn't have the sort of explicit, step-by-step explanations that MM has.


The HIGs for Singapore attempt to bring Mom up to speed in terms of how a teacher in Singapore would be presenting and teaching the concepts, but (IMHO) it's cumbersome for the parent to read (and interpret) the instructions, then teach the child with the textbook examples, then have the child work problems in the workbook. MM's all-in-one format includes more explicit instruction, more practice problems, more math facts practice (in the lower grades), and built-in cumulative reviews. And it isn't in any way "dumbed down" — the author, Maria Miller, is a Finnish mathematician and math teacher (and, fwiw, Finland scores 2nd in math internationally, behind South Korea).



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Thanks. I'll take a look at MM. Borders had Singapore (was surprised), so I got to look at it. I looked at 1a/1b and then the word problems were separate. I got lost on the whole breaking down a problem to find a ten first, before getting the answer. I'm sure it makes sense. Do they do that all the way through? Is that what helps in the later levels? Does MM do that?

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