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Thank you WTM friends!

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I had a really great experience yesterday that I wanted to share.


My son will be attending an alternative program 2 days per week through the school system. Part of the program involves presenting a learning plan to the supervising teacher. We then have to submit monthly progress reports on the progress of our plan. One month it's a written progress report and the next we meet in person. The first learning plan of the year is presented in person.


My son is in kindergarten so this was my first time doing anything like a learning plan. The learning plan basically consists of the goals for each subject (reading, writing, math, social studies, PE, and music) and the materials used to attain these goals. For the goals I included the scope and sequence of each curriculum that I listed.


The teacher was so impressed with our plan that she hugged it! She literally held the plan in her hands and hugged it! lol! She complimented me on putting together such a well rounded comprehensive plan and commented that it was rare to see such an organized, well thought out plan. I was so proud of myself, I just about cried!


It's all thanks to this forum and all of you...so THANK YOU! :D :D:D

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