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Umbilical hernia. Anyone else ever had one?

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I have. After my second child I had emergency gallbladder surgery and at the same time they fixed an umbilical Hernia. I got over the gallbladder part quickly. The Hernia repair had to be drained a few times and hurt the full 6 weeks of healing.


I will pray that yours goes much more quickly

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I have had an umbilical hernia since ds was born, but so far it hasn't caused me any problems. It's on my list of things to do, but since a friend of mine had a "non critical" hernia fixed then ended up on life support for a few days I'm just a touch leery about the whole thing!



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Yea, had one, and found it by accident when dd was about two-years-old. It was after Thanksgiving dinner, and I found this extremely hard lump above my belly-button. I even had a few friends feel it, because I thought I was imagining it. But, it was there, maybe the size of a dime. It protruded slightly when I raised my arms above my head. Really simple in-and-out operation. Doc. put a little piece of mesh netting over the opening; it might of been about a 45-minute operation. About another 45-minutes in recovery, and I was sent home. I remember being really frighten, I thought my guts were spewing out of me. Then again, I tend to get a bit gory and dramatic.


Doctor did say it was partially due to my being so very large (huge) during my pregnancy. I really tend to believe the true facts are due to my love of eating, and never asking for help in moving anything (I am wonder-mom). It will be over so fast, you won't even know it happened. Forevergrace

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The docs said that I shouldn't get pregnant again until I have mine fixed with the idea that another pregnancy could make it worse or dangerous and being pregnant, there would be nothing they could do until I had the baby, etc. etc. We want to have more kids, or at least, don't want to be prevented from doing so when the time comes... otherwise I would not have done the surgery either. I just wore baggy clothes and lived it. ;)


And, I love food, too, forevergrace! ...And I do it all, too and taught exercise classes that included weight lifting after my daughter was born... that probably didn't help. I think I was just a hernia waiting to happen. :001_smile:

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I got one after my twin pregnancy. Found it because I had a lot of pain about a year after they were born. Went to a chiropractor, and he moved some things around :) Hasn't hurt me since. I am just careful. I really want to get my diastasis fixed, but it's considered cosmetic surgery.

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I have. After my second child I had emergency gallbladder surgery and at the same time they fixed an umbilical Hernia. I got over the gallbladder part quickly. The Hernia repair had to be drained a few times and hurt the full 6 weeks of healing.



I had my GB removed a year ago and they repaired my hernia at the same time too. The GB was quick to heal but the hernia was sore for quite as while. Take it easy if you can.

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Guest ME-Mommy

I was taken to the ER at 20 weeks gestation with my youngest...they discovered that I had 2 umbilical hernias...and my bowel was strangulated. They decided to do repair surgery to save the bowel -- so I have a pretty little upside down c-shaped scar above my navel. I also have the wire mesh...


I spent 2 days in the hospital and then home on "light duty" for 6 weeks. I could lift nothing heavier than 10 lbs.


Coughing was the worst...it felt like everything was going to fall out. A nurse suggested to hug a pillow or rolled up blanket when coughing or sneezing to relieve the pressure.


I hope you feel better soon... :grouphug:

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Wow!! Sorry, they considered it cosmetic surgery for you, my insurance covered the whole ordeal. That is, except for my co-payment. Nikki, heads-up to you, you can fix it and have many more babies. The netting looks like a tiny piece of screen.

Thinking of you both and sending positive energy (prayers)!



Off subject: I'm listening to "Jersey Shore" as I write this, and I just can't believe some of it. It's way unbelievable (can't believe I just wrote that). Also extremely addicting, and I don't watch T.V. but, it just so gross I can't turn it off. ;)

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