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It's our very first NOT-Back-To-School Day!


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We celebrated our NOT Back to School Day with my girls this year. We headed out for lunch, just the 4 of us without Dad or a baby brother, then saw Bezus and Ramona, and then to Barnes and Noble.


It was a really fun day and a great way for my girls (7, 5, 3) to realized that they are special by not starting school with their friends and that BECAUSE we homeschool we have the freedom to have fun days like that.



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We are celebrating by going camping next week while everyone else is at school. Even though we started school this week to make up for the time...it will be quiet there with all the regular families back to their weekly routines. Celebrate the freedom. It takes a while to get the kids on board with being on a different schedule as their friends...but they will come around. This is the start of our second year of doing school on 'our schedule', and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Enjoy it!

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