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Mental math in Rightstart or MEP?


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We're in RS B, lesson 27, and I think it does mental math already, and started back in Level A. My daughter was doing 80+10 in her head today not using paper or even the abacus. We've not gotten far yet in MEP, although I'm interested to know about that program too.

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Hmm. I never thought about that, since it seems so basic from a 31yo's perspective, but I guess you're right, Satori. That just seemed to me more like a math facts thing. If 8+1=9, then of course 80+10=90. I guess to a 6yo, though....lol. DD just did her 9 week test a couple weeks ago. She was really excited about it. :)

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We just did lesson 76 in RS B and ds was adding 85+44, 95+59, 67+29 etc all in his head. It's amazing, really. We're also doing MM, and so far there is *nothing* close to this. We're only halfway through 1A though, so that might have something to do with it. :tongue_smilie: I'm liking MM as an independent supplement (and ds loves the puzzles), but RightStart just keeps impressing me. Love it, love it.

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Oh my gosh, Kate, you made me realize what a slacker I was! We'd probably be on lesson 76 if I didn't slack off on math all the time. I am adamant to be more diligent in sticking to our math schedule starting next week after Labor Day, which I'm calling our first day of serious school! (Up to now we've been pretty relaxed.) We are doing 3 days of RS and 2 days of MM and MEP, but I should increase RS to 4 days a week just to catch up.

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Oh, we've been slacking too lol! We're trying to get back on it. Currently I have RS scheduled for three days a week, but I may bump it up to four or five as well. All of a sudden, I'm seeing the program in a new light. I've always loved it, but when I see my ds doing this awesome mental math, I want to really commit to RS and dig in full time.

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MEP has quite a bit of mental math if you use the lesson plans - my impression is that a good 50% of the lessons start with a brief mental math section (at least, once you get going). Y1, Lesson 52, for example, has both simple mental addition and a deceptively simple complete-the-sequence activity, which requires not just mental addition/subtraction, but using those skills to find patterns. Really, a good chunk of Y1 qualifies as "mental math", since quite a few problems are meant to be solved without writing anything or using any manipulatives - so I'd say they qualify as mental math by default ;).

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RS B is FULL of mental math!!!! Hardly anything is ever done on paper. :)


We're only on lesson 30-something of RS and just started 1B of MEP, so I guess I'll just see when I get to it. I haven't really considered single digit addition mental math, but I guess it is if you aren't writing it down or using manipulatives. Of course, RS does encourage the use of the abacus for a lot so far, so that doesn't seem mental to me. Then again, DD prefers not to use the abacus anyway, so I guess she prefers doing it in her head.

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