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My "aha" moment about read-alouds

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Anything you might want to read that has dialogue written in a strong, unfamiliar dialect--you might want to get it as an audio book and listen to it! We're reading The Secret Garden right now, and the strong Yorkshire dialect is KILLING me. :svengo: Somehow the way I hear it in my head just isn't coming out of my mouth!

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I actually recommend several of the original George McDonald books with a lot of broad Scots as nonsense words!!


I can hear the words in my head much better, as well. After a bit I can get into it, but read aloud would be best.


Here's a sample from my language lessons:


"Robert, whatever way ye decide, I houp it may be sic a deceesion as will admit o' yer castin' yer care upo' Him."


"I ken a' aboot that, Andrew. But my opeenion upo' that text is jist this--that ilka vessel has to haud the fill o' 't, and what rins owermay be committed to Him, for ye can haud it no langer. Them that winna tak tent 'll tak scathe. It's a sweer thochtless way to gang to the Almichty wi' ilka fash. Whan I'm driven to ane mair, that ane sall aye be Him. Ye min' the story about my namesake and the spidder?"


"Ay, weel eneuch," answered Andrew.

Edited by ElizabethB
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