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If you have an option between general anesthesia and an epidural...

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for arthroscopy surgery, which would you choose? I am assuming that an epidural is safer than general. Is that a correct assumption? I will get to talk to the anesthesiologist right before the surgery and want to be prepared with as much knowledge as possible.



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I had general for my artroscopic knee surgery years ago. If I had to do it again I would get an epidural.


I was sick from the general, but my main reason is that I would want to be aware while the procedure was taking place- control freak? yes.


I'm sorry you have to have the procedure Dorothy. I hope it all goes well.



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for arthroscopy surgery, which would you choose? I am assuming that an epidural is safer than general. Is that a correct assumption? I will get to talk to the anesthesiologist right before the surgery and want to be prepared with as much knowledge as possible.




At least, that what the doctors told me when trying to talk me into one with my twin delivery. :tongue_smilie:

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I would go for the epidural and it's great that you are offered the option. I get sooo sick after general that from now on unless it is an emergency there will be no surgeries that involve me going to sleep. Most outpatient procedures can be done this way but from what I hear general is pushed for the ease of the Dr. (in other words he/she dosen't have to be "on" during the surgery).

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I had general when I had my appendix taken out. The doctor asked me if I had any 'fears' before they put me under....and I told him I didn't want to get sick (I worked in a hospital before so I saw all the people coming out of surgery getting sick, LOL). So...the doctor gave me something that didn't make me sick at all when I got out of the surgery. So I guess....it can be done, LOL!


Maybe I am crazy...but I would never opt for an epidural over general.....



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I had general when I had my appendix taken out. The doctor asked me if I had any 'fears' before they put me under....and I told him I didn't want to get sick (I worked in a hospital before so I saw all the people coming out of surgery getting sick, LOL). So...the doctor gave me something that didn't make me sick at all when I got out of the surgery. So I guess....it can be done, LOL!


Maybe I am crazy...but I would never opt for an epidural over general.....




I know it can be done for lots of folks but despite telling every anesthesiologist that I get deathly sick I've always woke up to dry heaves and spending the whole day in misery. They gave me the drug that's supposed to alleviate that to no avail so I guess it's just different with everyone.:)

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Well, I can't speak as to which is safer--I've never done the research on that. But from my experience of five epidurals (five babies) and two generals (female stuff), I'd take the epidural anyday. I never had any trouble recovering from the epidural at all, but I remember it seemed as if it was weeks before I felt normal again after the general anesthesia.


Good luck in your decision.



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