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McRuffy Color Math -or- CLE Sunrise (1st grade)...& the other maths we dumped & why


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I'd like to continue on with whatever we use/start and NOT swithch around with these guys. This will be for my last 2 dc. I've schooled 5, our oldest just off to college last weekend. :( I have always struggled with finding a good fit for elementary math. We really liked and had great success with Rod and Staff from 4th gr.-7th, then Teaching Textbooks algebra, etc.. But we've run the gammot (sp?) with elementary. We have tried: Horizons - loved k and 1, got way too difficult too fast in 2nd gr., switched to Modern Curriculum Math - it was ok, but didn't have enough review/spiral, so I added Math 4 Today - which had errors in the answer keys!, then we tried BJU math and sent it packing, because of all the fluff (puppets, for example) and Xtras and planning...uggh, Moving w/ Math just seemed SO cumbersome (to me), so it was sold as well.:tongue_smilie: Hmmm...what else....ahhhh yes, Developmental math - some confusing lessons and not complete (dd hated it), Saxon 1 - way too SLOW and boring, elementary Rod and Staff (yuk...can't remember why lol), and right now I have Making Math Meaningful I will be selling asap - I like the concept, but it just doesn't "fit" and I have a feeling it's not one we could continue on with (have read lots of negative reviews). Singapore doesn't have enough review (imho) and *I* need more guidance:confused:. My boys are both ADD (one ADHD) so the simple colors and "space" appeals to me with the CLE and the workbook, careful spiral approach. The hands-on and spiral approach appeals to me with McRuffy, plus I "could" use the blk. and wht. version. I'm not sure if they are exactly the same though, other than one is in color, or if they actually made improvements with the "color" version. I do wish there was a math curriculum that tied in the Math Start/Math Matters books. They are SO good! Oh well.......until then I am open for suggestions!! :bigear: LOL

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We used McRuffy K math and liked it, but then used CLE math 1 afterwards because it was cheaper and I had read so many good reviews for it. My ds loved McRuffy, and now refuses to continue with CLE (I think it started going too fast for him). So, although I haven't used McRuffy math 1, here's some notable differences:


They're both spiral, but CLE covers many concepts with each lesson and McRuffy usually covers two concepts per lesson. CLE has more review, but more workbook pages per lesson. McRuffy has hands on activities written into the tm with many different ways of using manipulatives, which is reinforced with the workbook. CLE is more workbook based with less hands on activities. McRuffy also has fun games to practice, CLE has flashcards (my ds much preferred the games).


Both teacher's manuals are very easy to use and lightly scripted, although McRuffy is a little better how each lesson begins on a new page and the small copy of workbook pages is next to the instructions in the tm (CLE will have other workbook pages next to the instructions for another page).


If you look at McRuffy color and b&w math, they are different. There are more activities in the color version, and different manipulatives are in the kit. HTH!

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Thank you so much! :thumbup: You've helped me decide. I was leaning towards McRuffy after sleeping on it. I think we'll give it a go! We'll probably go through the Singapore Earlybird K books along with HOD first and then launch into McRuffy 1.

Thanks again!!


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We tried Horizons, MUS and Abeka and are happily settled in with Math Mammoth. My DD is ADD and it is working well. I added an abacus, but not the program for the abacus. We just use it to teach concepts when MM teaches something new. I bought the package deal that goes through 5th grade on a disc and print out our lessons. You can buy them printed though.


I am planning to try McRuffy for K and 1st with DS because MM doesn't seem right for such a young grade.


I have heard good things about CLE, but haven't looked into it myself.

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We've used (and finished) CLE levels 100, 500, & 600, and are halfway through 200 and have 700 read to go in a couple of weeks. I truly believe it is the best math program out there, and all three of my kids are thriving with it, despite having three very different learning styles.


Yacko needs constant review of concepts learned, or he tends to forget them (use it or lose it), but he doesn't need to move slowly for most things. (Fractions and decimals, and metric conversions are his weak points.)


Wacko absorbs the lessons and works through them steadily. When he actually pays attention, he does well.


Dot is a little sponge and flew through the first half of the 100 level like it was candy. She's now in 206, and is finally having to work hard. (Or at least, pay attention. lol) :tongue_smilie:

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