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preventing toddler car sickness?

Guest Virginia Dawn

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Guest Virginia Dawn

My 2yo grandson periodically gets car sick. There doesn't seem to be a way to predict when ths will happen. Just when you think it's safe....


Well, anyway, he's coming to stay with us for a few days. Do you have any tips on keeping his tummy happy in the car?

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The only advice I can give you is what I do with my mother. She has to sit as close to the front as possible, no reading or looking down and we are careful about taking winding roads. Highways are better. How you adapt that to a 2 year old is beyond me. What does mom do??

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We used Sea-Bands and a homeopathic remedy by Boiron when our son was little. When he was two we lived overseas and didn't have a car so he wasn't used to riding in one. He got sick almost every single time we were in a car until some visiting relatives brought us the homeopathic pellets. Another visiting relative left us with the Sea-Bands and when we made a week-long trip that involved small airplanes and many hilly, curvy roads he didn't get sick at all. Needless to say we bought extra Sea-Bands when we returned to the US.


I think the Sea-Bands worked better for prevention, especially if you put them on a little while before the trip. The homeopathic remedy helped with the symptoms.


Good luck.:)


I know it isn't always possible, but we also tried to have someone sitting in the backseat with a bag ready at all times.

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eats eggs or drink whole milk.


I did not figure this out until I started thinking about what he had eaten.


If he gets sick think about what he eats and don't do it the next day and see if that helps.


He still will get car sick if we are out a while and being on a windy road.

He is 12 now and I keep dramamine in my purse.


Good luck!

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You should be able to find them at Walmart and drug stores. When you put them on your grandson make sure they are placed correctly on the pressure point and check periodically that he hasn't moved them around.


I've used Sea Bands with great success during my pregnancies. I do have a few of my children who get car sick and yet I'm not sure I've ever had them try the bands. How did that escape me? Adding them to my shopping list!

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