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Latin Prep 1 ideas

Heather in WI

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My son has completed Latin for Children levels A-C and we switched to Latin Prep for this year.


Could you share how you use Latin Prep? As in, Mondays we do________, Tuesdays we __________, and so on?


So far, we've just been reading and doing the exercises. Should we be making flash cards? Chanting? Something else?

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DD the Elder does one exercise a day, usually four days a week... two if one is very short. For longer passages, we take two days: one to read carefully (aloud, with emphasis on correct pronunciation) and translate, and another to re-read and do the questions. Vocabulary drill is 5-10 minutes a day, every day.


I shifted to flashcards via Anki for vocabulary drill:



  • four principle parts for verbs (cognates noted on answer card)
  • nom, genitive for nouns (cognates noted on answer card)
  • case endings
  • verb tense endings
  • English to Latin where appropriate


We introduce new vocabulary a chapter ahead so it's down before it starts being used.

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Thank you!


I googled Anki ... just to be certain, is this to what you were referring? http://ichi2.net/anki/

Yes. You can use regular flashcards as well, and Galore Park also sell flashcards you can order through HorribleBooks.com. I had quite a job getting the macrons in the text for Anki.
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