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Nancy Larson Science!!!

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I have seen some interest in this program but there's not a lot of information out there, so I thought I'd give my perspective. I have to admit that this review may be a bit premature, but I am LOVING Nancy Larson Science. We have only done 4 lessons (I told you it was premature!), but we have never been this excited about science before.


Here's where we came from...I've bought several science programs and attempted to put together my own, and each time the science didn't get done. It was one of those subjects were weren't very excited about and just got put on the back burner. I was all set to use Noeo Chemistry II this year, but ran into the Nancy Larson booth at a convention. The price was steep ($285 for 2 kids) but it looked so good. I thought about it overnight and researched it as best I could online, and the next day I took the plunge and bought it.


I am doing level three with a 5th and 3rd grader. (With our pitiful science "resume" I'm sure the 5th grader will learn new things at this level.) The program comes with a teacher's guide, booklets for each science topic (Astronomy, Botony, Geology, etc...), review pages for each lesson, and assessments every 10 or so lessons. It also comes with all the supplies you will need to complete the experiments. Finally it comes with posters that add a nice visual perspective to the topics. (My kids have been fascinated with the solar system poster.)


Here's why I like it:



  • It is all very scripted. Very similar to the lower levels of Saxon. With math, this drove me crazy...but I'm finding that I love it with science. I like the hand-holding.
  • The booklets are black and white--but we get plenty of visual stimulation from the included posters.
  • The vocabulary is quite advanced, but words are explained at an appropriate level that is easy to understand.
  • It guides the kids to highlight important words. (note taking skills.) I think this keeps the kids involved in the lesson and they love using the highlighters. (not exactly an "academic" reason to use this program, but if the kids like what they're using, that always helps!)
  • Virtually all supplies are included in the box. The so-called "household items" are actually household items.
  • It has built-in review and assessments are included. This isn't exactly the WTM way of doing things, but with my particular children, I found that narration was not going to work for science and I needed a different way of finding out what they actually know.
  • It covers several science areas throughout the year, rather than focusing on on branch all year. Again, this isn't the WTM way, but since we've had a dismal science history I felt it was important for my kids to be exposed to those areas that we have missed in the past.
  • It doesn't take forever. A lesson takes 30-40 minutes, and the the kids can do their review pages independently (or not.) There are 80 lessons for the year, so I schedule them 2-3 times a week--although the kids have wanted to do science everyday.
  • It is secular. While I do use religious curriculum in other subjects, I like to keep science more secular. I find that it's easier to add our beliefs (old earth perspective) into a secular program than to try to tweak a Christian, young earth, curriculum. We are doing astronomy right now, and we've already learned that the universe is billions of years old....so if that goes against your beliefs than this program isn't for you.
  • It does have a textbooky feel to it, so that may bother some, but we don't seem to mind.
  • Finally, science is getting done, and the kids love it. This is a first in our house.

The only flaw I have found with this program so far is that this is the last level available for now. I'm already panicking about what I'm going to do next year!


As we keep using it this year, I will update my review if I find that my opinion has changed.


I hope this helps others out there who might be considering this program.

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  • 4 months later...

I was wondering where to start if I begin this in the fall?? Any ideas? I will have a K'er/1st and 3rd grader then and we are doing RSO Life now...it's a great program (a little light for my now 2nd grader, but I add books and copywork and memory to it) but we're struggling to get it done. Should I start with Science 1 or 2?

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I would think Level 1 for ones that young.


We're really enjoying it. For some reason the way it is structured makes the kids pay attention, and they ASK to do it. They even bring up science terms in non-science settings. I find it interesting and fun, and they seem to enjoy it and retain it.


It has really taken us away from our textbooks.

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We just started Level 2 (I think we've done 5 lessons so far), and we're loving it. It is much more structured than most things I choose, it even has worksheets (gasp!), but there is much more depth here than in other elementary programs. Vocabulary and concepts are taught, emphasized, and reviewed. Also, the hands-on aspects are very concrete and actually teach the appropriate concepts. I think the retention will prove to be much higher with this program than any other we've tried (RSO, ES, etc).

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We just started Level 2 (I think we've done 5 lessons so far), and we're loving it. It is much more structured than most things I choose, it even has worksheets (gasp!), but there is much more depth here than in other elementary programs. Vocabulary and concepts are taught, emphasized, and reviewed. Also, the hands-on aspects are very concrete and actually teach the appropriate concepts. I think the retention will prove to be much higher with this program than any other we've tried (RSO, ES, etc).


My kids LOVED measuring with the balance. (that's upcoming for you, I think) The nature walk was very cool, too. They also like that they are official "physicists!"

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  • 3 months later...
Guest mrsmsmommy


I have seen some interest in this program but there's not a lot of information out there, so I thought I'd give my perspective. I have to admit that this review may be a bit premature, but I am LOVING Nancy Larson Science. We have only done 4 lessons (I told you it was premature!), but we have never been this excited about science before.


Here's where we came from...I've bought several science programs and attempted to put together my own, and each time the science didn't get done. It was one of those subjects were weren't very excited about and just got put on the back burner. I was all set to use Noeo Chemistry II this year, but ran into the Nancy Larson booth at a convention. The price was steep ($285 for 2 kids) but it looked so good. I thought about it overnight and researched it as best I could online, and the next day I took the plunge and bought it.


I am doing level three with a 5th and 3rd grader. (With our pitiful science "resume" I'm sure the 5th grader will learn new things at this level.) The program comes with a teacher's guide, booklets for each science topic (Astronomy, Botony, Geology, etc...), review pages for each lesson, and assessments every 10 or so lessons. It also comes with all the supplies you will need to complete the experiments. Finally it comes with posters that add a nice visual perspective to the topics. (My kids have been fascinated with the solar system poster.)


Here's why I like it:


  • It is all very scripted. Very similar to the lower levels of Saxon. With math, this drove me crazy...but I'm finding that I love it with science. I like the hand-holding.
  • The booklets are black and white--but we get plenty of visual stimulation from the included posters.
  • The vocabulary is quite advanced, but words are explained at an appropriate level that is easy to understand.
  • It guides the kids to highlight important words. (note taking skills.) I think this keeps the kids involved in the lesson and they love using the highlighters. (not exactly an "academic" reason to use this program, but if the kids like what they're using, that always helps!)
  • Virtually all supplies are included in the box. The so-called "household items" are actually household items.
  • It has built-in review and assessments are included. This isn't exactly the WTM way of doing things, but with my particular children, I found that narration was not going to work for science and I needed a different way of finding out what they actually know.
  • It covers several science areas throughout the year, rather than focusing on on branch all year. Again, this isn't the WTM way, but since we've had a dismal science history I felt it was important for my kids to be exposed to those areas that we have missed in the past.
  • It doesn't take forever. A lesson takes 30-40 minutes, and the the kids can do their review pages independently (or not.) There are 80 lessons for the year, so I schedule them 2-3 times a week--although the kids have wanted to do science everyday.
  • It is secular. While I do use religious curriculum in other subjects, I like to keep science more secular. I find that it's easier to add our beliefs (old earth perspective) into a secular program than to try to tweak a Christian, young earth, curriculum. We are doing astronomy right now, and we've already learned that the universe is billions of years old....so if that goes against your beliefs than this program isn't for you.
  • It does have a textbooky feel to it, so that may bother some, but we don't seem to mind.
  • Finally, science is getting done, and the kids love it. This is a first in our house.

The only flaw I have found with this program so far is that this is the last level available for now. I'm already panicking about what I'm going to do next year!


As we keep using it this year, I will update my review if I find that my opinion has changed.


I hope this helps others out there who might be considering this program.


Can I offer a different perspective? I actually also bought this curriculum because it was neutral. While I have not used Science 3 yet, I did check with actual parents who have used this, and the homeschool coordinator affiliated with this curriculum. While it is not religious, the only thing that might be remotely frustrating to young earth creationists like myself is this:

"Some scientists think the Earth is millions of years old."


This is not to criticize you at all for your point of view. I just wanted to show anyone else, that to the best of my knowledge, the mention of this is not the worst many Christians have seen from other Science curriculums. That statement is actually very true-many scientists do believe that. It doesn't say the earth IS millions of years....it says some scientists think that. While it may not push creation by any means, I really don't see that sentence as a deal breaker. Perhaps I misunderstood your review though. And there, I'm sure, are many people out there who would refuse a curriculum that was not strictly young earth-creationist view. This definitely doesn't embrace that. That is something that I feel I can supplement though, and add to this when need be. I don't feel like that one sentence is enough to rule out this curriculum, at least not for us. There are so many benefits-the real science presented, the ease of presentation, the fact that everything you need is right there in the box-really! I would hate for someone to read that review and assume that the whole curriculum is pro evolution and that you'd have to edit a bunch of stuff out of it to find it usable just because you believe in young earth creationism.


If you feel this might be an issue for you, I would encourage you to get in touch with Madon who is the homeschool coordinator. Her email is found on the curriculum's facebook page http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Nancy-Larson-Science-for-Homeschool/195969517081152 I spoke with her after reading this post and felt I should post back here, since reading that caused me to misunderstand.


Anyways, I just wanted to offer a different perspective. Just because you believe in young earth creationism does not mean this won't work for you!! If you want, you could even supplement with Answers in Genesis or something similar. But there are so many advantages to using this that it definitely is worth it, in my opinion. :001_smile:

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let me offer another review of this program becasue we also are totally in love with the program and when I REALLY like soemthing, I don't hesitate to tell people about it. Soime of you may have already read my review on this board, but for those of you who haven't...here it is...


Let me start by saying this is JUST MY OPINION, I am always a little nervous about saying that we LOVE a curriculum, fearing someone will buy somehting on my reccomendation and then not like it. But, anyway, here it goes.


My kids are 10, 9 and 6. We have tried various science programs and they have been ok, but nothing fabulous. I honestly don't think it's the programs fault, per se, but rather mine, our family, our situation. What I mean by that is this: science isn't my strong suit, so I just can't go off on my own and start talking about things I know about, we don't have a fabulous library where we can gleen all sorts of super cool books, we live in a rural area where it is difficult to just run out and grab supplies as needed...especially if I didn't plan far in advance to put items on my monthly shopping list. So, whenever I tired different programs, if I didn't have the supplies, I would put science on hold and then a week would go by and no science class...or our Nebraska weather didn't cooperate and so then we would skip while sections because the earthworms weren't playing in the snow, or we were in a drought when we were to be studying rainfall (and yes, I know that can happen with any program)...but even more importantly because I don't know science all that well, I needed a program that would guide me along so I could teach my kids.


So, then enters NL Science. I looked at it....it seemed expensive....I looked at it again....it seemed too juvenile for my big kids....but I looked at it again...it had cool things in the kits...I looked again...and then I emailed the customer reps....and got a super fast response, ready, willing and very able to help me with my concerns...the rep connected me with real moms who are using the program successfully and happily, gave me suggestions on how I can enhance the different units to challenge my big kids and even gave me a alternate order of the units so that the weird Nebraska weather wouldn't get in my way. The rep was so nice and helpful...it was amazing...customer service is EVERYTHING!!!! So, then I bought it. It came quickly and it was like Christmas opening the box and looking through all of the items. It was fun.


That evening I sat down with the TE and started looking through the pages. I was right away comforted by the scriptedness of the lessons. I know some people don't like being boxed in that much, but I found great comfort in that "box". And it's not like a person can't step outside the box if they wanted...I just liked the idea that I didn't HAVE to in order to make the program work. Then I looked at the student pages. I loved how the concepts were presented....the workbook would be perfect for my youngest...the pages require some writing, but not a lot. There is a booklet in which to present the information and often a short activity that has the kids drawing a picture to show what they have learned. And then there is a review page that can be done that day, or the next. These are quite easy for my older kids...but they haven't complained any. But I knew I was going to have to do extra things to enhance the lessons some. But so far we have done lapbooks on the various topics, read information from an encyclopedia or other books and just taking some of the activities that were given in the program up one level. For example: when we were talking about habitats, it first has you talk about your habitiat and where you live...we took a map of our small town, blew it up, added pictures cut out from magazines to "grow" our town...it was fun. All 3 ages could participate. The skeleton was another example. The x-rays came in the box, but the program has you looking at a few of the pieces, but since the whole body was included, I had the kids take turns building our skeleton and then we took the included labels to labels the various bones. We will do this a couple times so the kids will be more familiar with the names. We also just played/sang the Hokey Pokey song using bone names instead of body parts...I had all 3 kids laughing and asking to play more. It was great fun!


So, we are loving the program...is it worth the money....to me it is. I am not going to say that it is for everyone....but for us it is a perfect fit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi - I will be finished with our set in about 4-6 weeks. I have the teacher guide and clean student pages - I photocopied for my five kids. The only supplies needed to be replaced are the pinecones and you will need some lady bug larvae.


I would like to get $175 for the entire kit - including shipping.


Please let me know if you are interested.


Justine Gamble




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Yes we are still loving this. It truly gets done. It gets retained better than most things. The hands on is "just right" -- enough to get the kids involved and make it memorable, without making me feel like it's too much trouble to do science, or we just don't have time that day. The kids ALWAYS want to do science. They tell dad about it when he gets home. They get the cats involved. (don't ask)


I will be ordering N.L. Science 3 soon for next year, and if it's as successful as 2 was for us, we will look forward to NL 4, which will be ready by Summer 2012. I do supplement my older child with textbook reading -- I assign whatever chapters that correspond to what we're doing in NL Science. That has worked out very well this year for us.

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What textbook are you supplementing with this? I have a 6th grader with a little consistent science inhis background. I've thought about him doing science with his siblings, and just reading through the Apologia science books on top of the combined.




I would like to know this as well.

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How are you still liking this?


Anyone else?


YES WE ARE!!! and like what was said before...it is actually getting done and that is a major bonus for us!! We have 2 units left (trees and bugs) we did these out of order because of the weather here in Nebraska. I have every intention of using this program for as many years as Nancy will write them for.


Hope that helps!



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  • 2 years later...
Guest Leilallg

I am planning on homeschooling starting this summer and Nancy Larson science is sounding great to me! I will have a 6 year old, 9 year old and 11 year old. Does it sound reasonable to start them all at science 2 or should I purchase science 1 for the youngest and have the other two do science 2?

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