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Can someone help me out with a cheese dip recipe?

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I had some cheese dip that was really, really good and I'm trying to figure out how to make it. I don't know the lady that made it very well, so I don't know how to contact her to get the recipe....


It was made in a crock pot. It was white, rather than yellow, like maybe it was cream cheese and sour cream... or just cream cheese. It tasted like it had sausage in it, rather than beef. I'm pretty sure it had Rotel in it as well, or something similar. It was really thick and it tasted great, even after it wasn't warm anymore.


Does this ring any bells for anyone? Any ideas? I'm hoping someone will have a recipe that sounds something like this...

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I have one that is similar. Combine 16 oz of cream cheese, 1lb of breakfast sausage, and 1 can of Rotel in a crock pot. Cook on low until melted then switch to "keep warm" if you have that setting. You can adjust the cream cheese amount lower or higher, depending on your taste for cream cheese. This is my "go to" recipe for "mommy movie night". It goes great with corn chips.

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I have one that is similar. Combine 16 oz of cream cheese, 1lb of breakfast sausage, and 1 can of Rotel in a crock pot. Cook on low until melted then switch to "keep warm" if you have that setting. You can adjust the cream cheese amount lower or higher, depending on your taste for cream cheese. This is my "go to" recipe for "mommy movie night". It goes great with corn chips.


It's this one. You can also make a dip with Velveeta, taco-seasoned ground beef and Rotel for a TexMex dip.

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Thank you!

I just kept thinking that it was so good, there must be more to it than that. I want to get it right. :D


I know that feeling. I had this dip at a Christmas party and I swear I ate the entire small crock pot-full of it. It was freakishly addicting! The lady who brought it had to repeat the recipe to me 3x before I believed her that it was just that easy. Now I've got the hankering and grocery day is tomorrow. May just have to make a batch for once the kids take their naps.

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