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Another Singapore Math Question, transition


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So my ds has been in private school up until now, this is our first year of Home School and he will be starting 3rd grade. I saw that singapore math says sometimes you need to start with B from the year before. What I have done was buy the 2 B math practice and have him do all the reviews so that I could see where he was behind. I also got the CD rom Rainbow Rock and he has been "playing" that all summer.


He is all good, except for division. That was something that he did not even start with his old Math curriculum. I looked at the comparisons and saw that 2A is where Singapore does a lot of division. What should I do? I don't want him to be bored as he is good with all the other concepts. My 2 ideas are this, and I welcome opinions on both as well as new ideas.


1. Buy the 2A text book (dd will eventually need it) and just go over the division part together before we start in on 3A


2. Do the division book from Mammoth math


Thank you in advance

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There are placement tests at the Singapore site: here.

You may try giving your son the 2B test and see if it shows him ready for 3A.


It sounds like you've got a pretty good handle on where he is.

The division in 2 is really just your basic division facts from 1 to 5 and remainder. I'd think you could show him with some manipulatives and make up your own problems to get up to speed and start with 3A.


For instance: 8/2 = ? 24/3 = ?, etc.

For remainder, there are 18 cookies to be shared among 5 people. How many cookies does each person get? How many aren't eaten?


Hope this helps some!

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Thanks that does help. We did do the placement test and he is on the line, but does place for 3A, it is just the division that he got wrong.


I will try with manipulatives, I am just not that good at Math myself, so I was worried that by not following some set out method he might be missing out on some big concept.

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They do have some word problems with mult and division in 2, but I think you'll do fine in 3A then. The problems really are only with those facts through 5 and division with remainder like I mentioned above, so if you review/drill with that sort you should be in good shape (maybe get a workbook with practice if you are uncomfortable with just drilling yourself).


I just flipped through 2A and 2B. I would definitely not buy them if the division is all you need. 2A only has 2 & 3 tables (I think) and 2B has 4 & 5 tables and remainder.


We're in 3A now & the multiplication is going pretty slowly. They start with the review section, so you may do a bit more with that (although we haven't hit remainder yet).


Good luck with it! And there isn't a big concept to miss here - as long as you cover division :) I think you'll be just fine with 3A.

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FWIW, I would start him in 3A but have the following MM "blue" books on hand: Multiplication 2 and Division 2. They are inexpensive and Maria Miller does a WAY better job IMHO introducing multi-digit multiplication and long division than chapter 3 in SM 3A does. Especially if this is your first year teaching SM, it's worth the $ to get those 2 MM books.

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I'll be the lone dissenter. If you are going to eventually need 2A for DD anyway, I'd go ahead and buy the textbook. Walk him through the division section so that he can confidently handle 3A. You could do other things to get him ready, but that seems like the easiest option to me.

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Thank you all for the responses. I am sorry I am so needy, will it get better with time? When did you all hit your home school groove? I just feel so nervous that I am going to mess everything up.


Well, we're in our third year and I think we've got a groove going maybe one or two days out of the week. Maybe. :lol:


I've found reading the boards here provide wonderful support. Don't worry about being too needy. I think we've all been there - and return there at different points through the journey.


Some days will be amazingly wonderful and others will have you really wanting to toss the little twits out of the house (or maybe that's just me as well).


Do your best & love them. Be kind to yourself as well.

Ask questions. There's a ton of amazing experience on here - and I've found a ton of useful stuff through searching threads too.


I keep trying to remind myself of the quote that this is a marathon, not a sprint. Some days I do better than others.


Good luck with it. And welcome to the journey! :D

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