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Daily math drills on two different topics -- anyone tried this?


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I just started using Calculadder with my dc. One of my dc is working on addition drills, but she also needs to work on multiplication. I thought about having her do an addition drill in the morning and a multiplication drill in the afternoon. Has anyone tried drilling two topics daily? How did this work for you?

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My dd loved this! She does not like addition or subtraction, but actually really enjoys multiplication and division. So, I would have her do some addition/subtraction and then she would get to do the 'fun" math.;) We would also do other math topics as well, like measurements, weights, geometry, patterns, telling time...it all came after the addition/subtraction drills. We did them directly after, sort of like a reward. But, what works for one child might not work for another! Generally this child just loves math! Hey, give it a try, if your child likes it, great, if not..stop. good luck!

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