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MM question


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I just noticed that Homeschool Buyers coop is having a deal on the full curriculum grades 1-9. I had already purchased CLE for this year, but the first grade looks way too easy for my son. I'm not sure it is returnable so I might just hold onto it for my 3 year old. Anyway, is anyone using the full MM math curriculum for grades 1-8? Do you like it? Have you gotten good use of it? I just showed a sample to my dd who has a lot of trouble understanding math and she was able to subtract 10's instantly by breaking them down! I couldn't believe it!


Does this need to be supplemented? We were MUS users and I've noticed a ton of gaps which is why I purchased CLE. Should I use it as a supplement to the CLE or is it stand alone? I'm just concerned about the gaps as I'm trying to fill them in.

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I am using the light blue (grades 1-6). It was my understanding, though someone else can correct me if I am wrong, but light blue series is the only full curriculum, the other series are supplemental.


As for your question, we have gotten good use of it. We were using Singapore, but someone recommended MM due to the price and easier use, so we switched. We really do like it a lot, and have no plans to switch again until we hit 7th grade.


I don't think it needs to be supplemented, but we do use Miquon as my DD likes working with the rods and figuring out many different ways to do math.

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Math Mammoth as a complete curriculum only goes up to 6th grade (although I am constantly pestering Maria about a writing Prealgebra program!). MM does not need supplementation, it's a very rigorous and complete program that teaches math the "Asian way" (i.e. with a focus on conceptual understanding and mental math strategies). It's similar to Singapore but (IMHO) much easier to use because it's an all-in-one program (no separate textbooks, workbooks, teacher's guides, extra practice books, etc). I also find the conceptual explanations in MM to be clearer and more explicit.


The Light Blue and Blue series both cover all necessary topics, with instruction, up to 6th grade. Light Blue is grade-leveled (2 books per year, A & B), while the Blue Series is divided by topic, and the parent decides what order to do the lessons. The actual lessons are, for the most part, identical in the two series, so there's no need to buy both — they are just organized differently.


The Gold and Green series go up to Algebra (hence HSBC listing MM as going "up to 9th grade") but they are worksheets only — there is no instruction on the pages. They were originally designed by Maria for her work as a tutor, and they are meant to be used as supplements/extra practice.



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I just noticed that Homeschool Buyers coop is having a deal on the full curriculum grades 1-9. I had already purchased CLE for this year, but the first grade looks way too easy for my son. I'm not sure it is returnable so I might just hold onto it for my 3 year old. Anyway, is anyone using the full MM math curriculum for grades 1-8? Do you like it? Have you gotten good use of it? I just showed a sample to my dd who has a lot of trouble understanding math and she was able to subtract 10's instantly by breaking them down! I couldn't believe it!


Does this need to be supplemented? We were MUS users and I've noticed a ton of gaps which is why I purchased CLE. Should I use it as a supplement to the CLE or is it stand alone? I'm just concerned about the gaps as I'm trying to fill them in.


I'm using it; we LOVE it! I bought the Light Blue series to supplement MUS but now we're using MUS to supplement MM because we like it that much!

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