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How to by Steven King?

Guest Cindie2dds

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On Writing is excellent.


It's been a while since I read it, but the first half gives some of his history with writing. The second half gives more of a tool-kit for what makes writing good and mentions things a writer should do.


It does not contain any writing exercises and isn't a curriculum or really a "how to" book. It is one of my favorite books though on how a writer actually writes. You may want to check it out from the library.


Another good one is Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott.

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On Writing is awesome.


Self Editing for Fiction Writers by Browne and King is also good, as far as the crux of it all.


I second Bird by Bird. LOVE that book with an abiding passion. It took me years to read it-everyone and their brother told me how great it was till I had no care to read it at all. They were right. It's good for many levels.


Emotional Structure by Peter Dunne is awesome-love it. Story by McKee is just monolithic, but sooo good. The Artists's Way is another art book, but excellent and very ...freeing.

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King's book is one of my faves, along with Write Away by Elizabeth George & Twyla Tharp's The Creative Habit - which is not a writing book per se, but, as the title suggests, a creativity book.



I love love love Write Away!


If you want a workbook style book that takes you step by step through the writing process, try From the Inside Out by Susan May Warren and Rachel Hauck. I've been working through this for the last few weeks and really added a ton of meat to my story.

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