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Lots of questions about curriculum & structure for dyslexia and ADD/ADHD

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My dd is almost 13, going into 7th grade (to give her a grade). Was diagnosed this past year with dyslexia and my dh and I believe she also has ADD if not ADHD. We have used Sonlight (which we love) and a variety of other curricula. I am looking for a good spelling program, Science program as well as a good cursive handwriting program. I'm also looking for a way to add more structure to our day. She is our one and only child.


Since her diagnosis and tutoring (Lindamood Bell), she has improved her reading level from 2.8 to almost grade level.


Because of her reading difficulties, she has resisted most reading and writing (up until now). So that most of the science we have done has been TOPS (very little reading and writing). We've also used NoeoScience which she loved but it's a bit pricey. She LOVES experiments but I am looking a good solid Science curriculum that is not-so-intensive with the reading and writing but solid in the scientific method as well as hands-on experiments.


Also, does anyone know anything about the Getty Dubay Italics writing program? Handwriting has been hard for my dd. We tried Handwriting without Tears and A Reason for Handwriting. We had more success with the latter but wanted to try something new for the school year.


Lastly, I have been doing some reading about children with ADHD/ADD and how they need structure. I find it hard to structure our day with just one child. I tend to be somewhere in the middle with structure. Any ideas on how to be more structured with our day (we begin at around 9 and end somewhere around 2 or so)?

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My son has dyslexia and ADHD and is going into the 9th grade this year.


Can she type? If not, make it a priority. The single best thing I ever did for my son's writing was to get him typing well and then to get him a laptop computer to use for school.


We had much success with AAS here, though my son objected daily that it was for babies. After a year of this, I decided that it wasn't worth listening to the complaints, so I'm switching him to Sequential Spelling for adults (a two year program). It will be my last effort to help improve his spelling.


For science, I've always used regular curriculum and just read the text aloud. For example, Science Explorer is an excellent middle school science program that is great for doing this with. You can read it aloud and then discuss using the questions that are scattered throughout the book (and also at the end of each section and chapter). Do it all orally, rather than have her fill in worksheets. Save the writing energy for real writing (paragraphs, essays, etc).


Until my son was reading very well, I didn't assign reading. Once he was reading well, I assigned reading that was somewhat below his reading level (this was in 5th and 6th grade). I read everything else aloud.


As for structure, my son does best when I say that from 8-9 he'll do math, and from 9-10 he'll do English, or whatever. A visual timer helps. And I have to say, medication helps even more. He started taking Adderall at age 12 because the work level in 7th grade was such that it would have been impossible to progress without it.


I hope something here helps. I'd be happy to discuss this further if you want to.

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My 11 yo has dyslexia. We do tend to follow a general structure. The biggest component is that we have a specific area that we go to when it is school time, and ds has his own desk (away from me and his sister) with a computer. Likewise, what has helped is a list of subjects/ assignments for the day and a general routine of how we work (meaning a sequence we follow every school day).


So our day looks something like this in case it gives you some ideas.


MORNING: Ds goes to his desk after breakfast, he has completed his karate and guitar practice. When ds is at his desk he is ready to work. I show him the things that are needed to be done for the day, and he chooses. He usually chooses math first, I instruct, and then he works for usually close to an hour. He takes a break. Afterward, he usually goes on to do 1 or 2 other subjects independently. Before lunch I review the morning work, checking math and doing review questions.


LUNCH: usually some time with me reading a book outloud for pleasure/ or listening to his sister's history lesson with her (good review). Usually another half-hour of just hanging out time (me doing household things)


AFTERNOON: Then we all head back to the school area. DS heads back to his desk to finish the work for the day-- usually he does language arts after lunch since it is more intensive, and he doesn't like it but needs to just get it done! We usually end the day with oral instruction. If ds needs a break, he will set himself a timer, and usually go to his room to hang out-- we came up with the timer idea because he would "forget" to come back and work! hmmmmmmm :tongue_smilie:


I will give a double second to the typing instruction. Ds absolutely HATED learning, but it really has increased the amount of writing he is willing to do, and decreased frustration with having a good spell checker.


No good thoughts on science (pathetic coming from a former scientist!) We are experimenting yet again in this area.


This will be our first year using an actual spelling program as previously it just seemed like a total waste of time since the phonics knowledge was not solid. We are using Spelling through Morphographs-- can't say anything on this yet.

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hi -


dh and dd 12 are both dyslexic. AVKO spelling (sequential spelling) has worked well with dd. every once in a while, we do a few lessons in cursive rather than printing and it has helped her handwriting a lot.


keyboarding is our friend : ).


for science, we're going to try supercharged science, because she has an introductory video for each experiment.


for reading, a canadian program, Teach your children to read well, has made all the difference. it includes a focus on fluency that has resulted in her reading by choice and well above grade level.


lots of outdoor time and almost no media helps with the attention span for those of us who need it : ).




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