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Which apologetics resources?


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It really depends on what exactly you want to cover. Apologetics and worldviews overlap some but there are also distinct differences. There are a LOT of great resources out there, but I need a little more information on what you want out of the curriculum? thanks

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I am not familiar with either one of these specific resources, but I would guess that the Apologia version is going to hit Apologia's young earth creationist viewpoint somewhere, while Strobel's would be more compatible with other views of creation.


So if you believe it is possible to be a Christian and not believe that the world is 6,000 years old, give or take, Strobel might be a better option than Apologia or anything from Answers in Genesis.



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It really depends on what exactly you want to cover. Apologetics and worldviews overlap some but there are also distinct differences. There are a LOT of great resources out there, but I need a little more information on what you want out of the curriculum? thanks


I agree there are a lot of really great resources available. DD is going into 3rd grade and is starting to be ready for some study that is beyond just Bible stories to a "why does this matter". I agree that apologetics and worldview are completely different. I would like study both eventually and have identified these two curricula as resources I would like to use. I'm just trying to decide if one would be better to work through than the other. The Apologia set is actually based on Summit's Building on the Rock series, and I know that Summit has good stuff.

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