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So READY for fall/routine !


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This summer has been a time when everything has felt constantly in an uproar, up in the air, always changing, etc. It's been fun BUT I am soooooo looking forward to getting into a routine for the fall when it's all over, and the end is in sight...yay ! We are in the last burst of chaos...the last week of swimming lessons, grandparents visiting from out of state for the next two weeks (his now, my mom next week, then his again)....then....after that.....aaahhhhh ! Five days a week of undisturbed routine stretching ahead of us for a few months :D !


This fall I've made some changes....absolutely no daytime activities scheduled except the weekly appointments with DS1's vision therapist and reading tutor. So we won't be seeing much of other homeschoolers. But I want to be able to spend time on helping DS1 with his written language and memory challenges without having to rush through everything because we always have someplace to run off to. I also want to start doing some table work with DS2 and to work with both of them, I need some entire days of not leaving the house.


I am just about to finish up the final entries in DS1's first grade spreadsheet and binders, and begin the second grade recordkeeping. The PS district here starts on 8/16. Last year I started recordkeeping on the day school started, but this year I am starting his binder/spreadsheet for the new year with 8/1. I should be getting the guest room ready for my mom but instead I am starting a school year binder :tongue_smilie:


I am excited because he seems to finally be making some progress with reading and spelling some sight words from memory and learning addition facts. Some of this stuff we've been working on for two years. I feel like the balance is about to tip for him and I am so ready to dig into an interrupted routine of school time !!! :party:

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I'm with you! I cannot WAIT for September to get here. Ds 9 is in all-day (7:30am-6pm) camp now, which totally put a damper on finishing up last years curriculum before fall (MIL sprung for it and he loved it so much, I couldn't say no. sigh). I have everything ready to go for 4th grade, but I'm still going to try and finish up 3rd grade starting the Monday after camp is over (Aug 23).


I want to involve ds in lots of homeschool group classes and field trips - 1 or 2 a week, hopefully. He gets so much out of those. I think upping our academic time from 2 hours/day to 3 is going to work better for us this year, too. He has mild dyslexia, so we need to focus a lot on reading and writing.

I'm so excited. He's going to be my only one at home now.

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I'm ready too!! During the school year we have a very tight schedule with me being in school full time, plus DD's school and outside activities. Without a schedule we are.... floundering. :D

Left to our our devices we revert back to being serious night owls. In less than 4 weeks I have to GET UP at the same time I'm currently going to sleep!! :eek: Luckily it isn't THAT bad for DD, just have to adjust her bedtime and wake up times by a couple hours, but it's gonna be ridiculous for me. :tongue_smilie:

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I can't wait! I am very ready for routines again. It have about had it with visitors and cousins and constant Popsicles and watermelon. The stickiness is killing me. (Not to mention preventing me from leaving this computer chair). Order, routine, alarm clocks, bedtimes, schedules, outside classes, the smell of freshly sharpened pencils. ahhhhh....I am looking forward to it. But I'm sure my kids are not. BWA-HAA-HAAA!!! (evil mom laugh):tongue_smilie: Come on, September 7th!

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