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Vocabulary--Please say why you prefer one of these two books....

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. . . and ONLY these two books! :) I do have a reason.



Vocabulary for Enjoyment (or Vocab for High School Student -- essentially same)




Wordly Wise



I have my personal reasons; I just need to validate them.



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I only have experience with Wordly Wise, so I may not be much help. Some thoughts - I like that it has reading selections where the student sees the words used, although they come at the END of the lesson, which isn't always helpful. I also wish it worked with the word roots, so that my dd would get more reinforcement on how to figure out other words. She also likes some of the online activities, although I'm not always sure how much they help her. I find I have to supplement with other activities for each lesson (having her use the words in her other writing or writing original sentences with them). In summary, it's working ok for us, enough to continue, but I generally use supplement it with other vocab building (linked to our lit studies).

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I have kinda/sorta experience with both. Ds1 used VFHSS over 7th and 8th grades (at home). Then in 9th he started at a Christian school that uses WW. I asked him how they compare and he thought VFHSS was harder. Maybe it's because he was younger when he used it. I don't know. But he thought WW was pretty easy.



Edited by Cinder
wrong acronyms--lol
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We have really enjoyed Vocab for the High school Student, and the follow-up, Vocab for the College-Bound Student. If you start early in HS, you can stretch a book over more than a year. My guys used WW in elementary school. After a couple of years, they found WW rather tedious. Hope this helps!



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