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I just attended a 3-day Classical Conversations practicum....

Beth in SW WA

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It was wonderful! I'm inspired and energized by what I learned at the conference.


After spending 3 days with these amazing, bright, articulate moms & dads, I am confident in our decision to join our new local CC group.


The morning keynote speaker was a pastor/educator who gave fascinating lectures on the importance of classical ed -- in a way I had not heard before (and I've read a ton of classical ed books).


Andrew Kern's audio "A Contemplation of Nature" was the highlight of the morning sessions also. We would listen and discuss in groups. Awesome!!!


The hours of grammar instruction were stimulating and fun. Wanda Sanseri gave a condensed class on her program (SWR) one afternoon. I was able to network with other moms (from far & wide) who share my vision. I ran into a mom who uses The Potters School for her older kids. We talked for an hour straight. I had never met anyone IRL who uses TPS.


Our local CC moms & dads are sharp tacks. I have no doubt my kids will be surrounded by intelligent, solid people of faith -- with a passion for classical ed.


Added bonus: I met NayfiesMama from these boards. She's a peach. (Hi Carrie!):001_smile:


As a supplement, I am sure CC will be a good fit for us. I'm anxious to start.


For those questioning & praying, I suggest attending a local FREE practicum to help get an initial 'feel' of CC.

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Hey Y'all,


It was a very good practicum! I've never been able to "just attend" any practicum/training yet. I have to add that Tutor Training was incredible, both in Salem and Tigard. But, Tigard's practicum, I was able to just relax and listen and soak in..... and it was very informative!


It was really great to meet Beth, too! (and she is just as cute and beautiful as her little pic on here!) Sometime we'll have to have a PDX meet-up, because I know that Pam and a few others would like to get together, too!



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