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Well seasoned cast iron skillet -- is it ruined now?

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Just got back from vacation and discovered that my cast iron pan that I brought along was scrubbed with a green scouring sponge. I suspect that it was scrubbed multiple times and that dish soap was used on it, too. :glare: Even though I said several times to several different people that it just needed to be rinsed, scraped with a plastic scraper, and oiled. I didn't realize how bad it is until just now. Its beautiful patina is gone and instead of a smooth interior surface it's rough all over. In addition to being rough, you can see gouges in the patina -- like part of the patina is still there (albeit roughed up) and part was scrubbed away entirely to the bare pan.


Help! I just cooked some meat in it and oiled it well, but the pan is still so rough and little flecks of black came off on the towel when it was oiled. How can I return it to its former glory? Or should I just throw in the towel and buy a new one?

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I am sure you can just season it again. I think it's almost impossible to actually ruin cast iron!


This is true. I have recently restored a cast iron pan that had been sitting out in the open (in some heretofore unexplored corner of the property) and it worked.

Mine had rust in it and who knows what else.

I first sanded it completely, inside and out. I used an electric sander but yours was just a "little mishandled" and you may be able to use a sanding pad.

Then use whatever oil (I like coconut, lots of differing opinions here) and bake it in the oven on the highest temp your oil allows (flashpoint of oil - check on label).

You may have to do it repeatedly. I did it twice and it works great.

Cast Iron is nearly indestructible - like Beetkvass said.

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