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Second Grade Memory Work


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Hi All,


I am working on my plans for the fall and I realized that like many other homeschoolers out there, memory work is the last thing I need to put together. It seems like it should be really easy, but I can't seem to get it done. Does anyone want to share their memory work plans for second grade? We are doing the basic WTM rec's of SOTW 2 and Earth Science. We probably could work on math facts as well starting with addition and subtraction.


Basically if you have a magical pdf that has it all done for me I would kiss your virtual feet, but whatever help you can offer I am interested!


Thanks so much,



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i was *just* logging on to start a similar thread. i have the Living Memory, the Linguistics through Poetry (pudewa), Hannah Wilson's free memory work program, and my own personal preference for a few add-ins. geography songs for one. it's a really slow work in progrss.


i am working through all of it right now and developing both a list for my 2nd grader and a list for my K'er.

i just saw a nicely done blog idea that i'd thought might work for us. i need to spend some time deciding how to implement it .....

here's the link:



i'm interested in others' responses.


btw, i'm wondering whether i should keep all the 1st grade stuff going ... like does this become a long, collective body of knowledge that we constantly review??? or do i set that aside for the most part since he officially recited for all his grandparents at the end of 1st grade?


does everyone include math facts during their review time or just at the beginning of math each day?


one other thing, if i may: honestly, how long do you review each and every day if you have children only in the lower grades (ours are 2nd, K, and toddler). they all get a bit squirmy and it gets kind of difficult to reign them in after about 15 or 20 min .... is that long enough for their ages?

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One of the best things I have ever introduced to our homeschool is "Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization" by Pudewa. My 2nd grade daughter is almost through the 2nd level and loves it. Whenever anyone asks her what her favorite subject is, her response is always poetry.


When my son was real little, I bought the CC Foundations book and VP cards and did their memory work for probably about 4 years. At the time, it was great and a real boost to his ego that he knew so many facts. After a while, it got cumbersome to constantly review, and since we stopped reviewing, he has forgotten much of it. I now feel the benefits of the poetry memorization outweigh memorizing random facts. The poetry memorization increases vocabulary and teaches them proper language patterns, so even if they do forget it one day, I will still feel as though there has been a benefit.


I keep the cds in the car and we review all our poetry on Tuesdays and Thursdays on the way to swimming. They work on a new poem each week or two.



Edited by LisaTheresa
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Hmmm... Lots of great ideas! I hadn't thought about buying a completed curriculum, but that sounds very tempting to go the IEW route. I'm not sure I can justify an "extra" purchase right now, but my sanity might dictate it. The Living memory book is also a possibility.


Thank for the suggestion! Keep 'em coming.



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