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Latin in college

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I'm still trying to decide on a class that fills one of my General Ed reqs in college.


My question: if you had no foreign language experience, would you attempt the 1001 level of any foreign language? Latin?


It supposedly assumes no experience and yet these days colleges require students to come into school with at least 2 years of a foreign language. I feel like I'd be at a disadvantage, and be behind before class even begins!


What do you think?

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Why would you be at disadvantage if the class is aimed at total beginners? Because you did not study other foreign languages?

Granted, people with experience in a foreign language study might master any new language more easily, but not necessarily, and not that it means anything to YOU - you are taking your beginner's class and have all the means to succeed. :)

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Why would you be at disadvantage if the class is aimed at total beginners? Because you did not study other foreign languages?

Granted, people with experience in a foreign language study might master any new language more easily, but not necessarily, and not that it means anything to YOU - you are taking your beginner's class and have all the means to succeed. :)


Well, I'm hoping it's a true beginners class. That's the description but at the college level I'm assuming it's going to be a fast paced course. I don't mind hard work but I would feel embarrassed if everyone else was getting it more quickly than me. Participation is part of the grade. I'm reminded of a very southern young man in my French 101 class I took when I first started college 21 years ago. His pronunciation was awful: parrrr-lay vooo fransay. It's funnier heard than typed out. :lol:


DH wants me to take Spanish because he could help me with that. I've got until August 4th to make a final decision. I keep changing my mind every day!

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I wouldn't dare if it was a modern spoken language, but language classes over here are not taught in a way that suits me at all. The important part of your posts, in my opinion, is about being embarrassed at not picking things up as quickly as the kids might. Easier said than done, I know, but toss that feeling. I had a scarily clever classmate at uni and she would tell me (Ms Average) that I was ahead of most of those enrolled because I was still showing up to class and they weren't. She had a point. There were quite a few who were way smarter than I have the potential to be, but I was there and I was developing. Speak up, even if you are embarrassed, especially when there are awkward silences. Everyone appreciates someone else filling those silences!


So I'd do the Latin.




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