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Any recovering curriculum hoppers?

Night Elf

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The first 7 of my 9 years homeschooling were crazy. I purchased nearly every curriculum I heard mentioned on these boards :tongue_smilie: and did pieces of them here and there in our homeschool. When we got bored with something, I'd find something else. After 7 years though, I decided we really needed consistency and I put my foot down and made some solid choices. Not only did we make it through a few curriculums from start to finish, we carried some of them over to the next year. We did start ds14 in Keystone for high school so his whole program changed.


But you know what? I've been thinking about this alot lately and I wonder if this is the reason we are so bored and resigned with schoolwork. I was blaming it all on the grade level and lack of enthusiasm on children who would rather be playing, but maybe it's that we've stuck with the same program. I adopted the 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it' philosophy. Is hindsight telling me that might not have been the best course?


Of course, there is a silver lining to my gloomy cloud. I was able to return to school. I love being in college. Although I must admit, it's hard work doing my stuff (commuting and homework time) in addition to making sure they get their work done. But I'm feeling rather guilty. The sparkle is back in my eyes, but not in theirs.


Has anyone else gone through this? I thought sucking it up was the mature thing to do. But that glazed look in my kids' eyes is really sad. :( Oh, except for dd12 does love her MUS and Mind Benders. She is really not happy about the rest of it. I've actually found myself saying that we all have to do things we don't want to do. They understand it, but their hearts aren't in it. And I can't force that part.

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Yes, I was a hopper for our first 5yrs. My poor first born had used 5 different math programs in his first two years of homeschooling.


The past two years I have stuck with what we purchased. I still change things from year to year. For instance two years ago we use almost all R&S, last year we used CLE, so although I have stuck with what I purchased through the year I still haven't used a certain curriculum consistently. I would love to be one who just purchases the next grade level.


I don't consider myself a 'curriculum hopper' anymore because we do stick with what I purchase for the year. I no longer switch mid year anymore.


My oldest son is much happier because he feels like he is finishing a year.

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