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In planning history for next year, I've discovered that essentially *all* of the literature suggestions in the SOTW 4 AG are novel length works recommended for grades 5+.


Has anyone else noticed this? Does this seem odd given that SOTW 4 is intended for a 4th grade audience?

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I wasn't as upset by the books, because my local library has such a small selection, that I usually just search by topic anyway. That way I get easier and harder books (I've always found reading adult fiction on the topics my boys are studing to be very fun).


But I was also dissapointed with how much harder this book is. I think all of the SOTWs should have been written for 1-4th graders with very little increase in difficulty over the series, so that all grammar kids could do it together. Instead SOTW 4 seems to be written for logic kids with more difficult text, outlines, novel recomendations, harder projects, no coloring pages, ect.


We skipped a lot of chapters and didn't enjoy this last year nearly as much as the first years.

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We are doing sotw 4 this year (6th grade) and I am in the process of finding websites and more hands-on activities to go along with it, plus whatever books and movies my library has. I can share with you when I'm done if you like. Although we will only get up to chapter 16 this year (we are doing some Canadian history intermixed with it).

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But I was also dissapointed with how much harder this book is. I think all of the SOTWs should have been written for 1-4th graders with very little increase in difficulty over the series, so that all grammar kids could do it together. Instead SOTW 4 seems to be written for logic kids with more difficult text, outlines, novel recomendations, harder projects, no coloring pages, ect.



I guess I would disagree. I loved how the books slowly progressed to more difficult material. I do think that book 4 is a substantial jump up from book 3, but I really liked how it was handled. By the time my kids were in 4th grade they were ready to be moving away from the slightly younger tone of the first books. Plus, for us, it gently got them ready for some more difficult reading that they would be doing in the logic stage.

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