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Chapter book suggestions for 3rd and 5th graders studying Ancient History

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While I'm not a huge fan, some of those Magic Treehouse books sure are cute and informative, so that's a possibility for the 3rd grader.


But, on a more serious note, Detectives in Togas (and I think there's a couple of sequels) is an excellent novel about ancient Rome. There's also the Roman Mysteries series by Caroline Lawrence. These were made into a well reviewed children's show on CBBC, though I haven't seen it, not being in the UK. There's also Rosemary Sutcliff's excellent books, like The Eagle of the Ninth, which deals with the Romans in Brittan.


Of course, you could also have them read one of the many children's version of the Odyssey.

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I'm looking for chapter book suggestions to go along with studying Ancient History for my 3rd and 5th graders. Some will be read alouds, others for them to read alone. I already plan to read The Golden Goblet, Bronze Bow, and Mara Daughter of the Nile. Any other suggestions?


Golden Goblet & A Place in the Sun for Egypt

Bronze Bow for Jewish culture

Hittite Warrior for Hititte & Phoenician cultures

D'Aulaire's Greek Myths & Theras & His Town for Greece

Chi'i-Lin Purse for China

Detectives in Togas & Mystery of the Roman Ransom for Rome

The Gilgamesh Trio for Babylonia


There's more we read but I can't think of them off the top of my head right now.....


I wouldn't read Mara (although it's a fabulous book) with a 5th and 3rd grader. The themes are too old and it woudn't be interesting at that age. JMHO Last year just my 7th grader read it but we all loved Golden Goblet.



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I didn't see Tirzah mentioned for Egypt. She's a girl. :001_smile:


Bronze Bow for Jewish culture
Jewish culture, but timewise it places in Ancient Rome/time of Christ. And while a boy is the main character in Bronze Bow, there's a girl right alongside him. Couple of 'em , in fact.
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