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Sale/Swap board question

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I posted this in the how to section, but figured I'd get more responses here.


I have sold a few things here on the new board recently, but have not been posting anywhere else due to extreme time constraints. I went to post something else for sale today and now saw there is a 50 post minimum. I have way more than 50 posts on the old board, but are these not taken into consideration. It is very frustrating to me to find that I can no longer sell anything, even though I posted a lot over the past few years. Does the 50 posts only mean ones on these new boards?

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I also got blocked even though I have been here for hmmm...at least 5 yrs.


But I can see where the admins are coming from. There were a lot of posts on the sale boards from people who only have 2, 3, 4, posts and they are all sale ads.


Oh well, we'll just have to chat it up some more! :)




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You could try and email the admin, let them know your old name and see if they will allow you to post. With out reading/researching the rules my first guess is that the rule is in place to discourage businesses or dealers from posting. It also would potentially keep out some people who are dishonest and only pretend to have things for sale to get your money. It is much easier to search for a person's posts on this board so you can get a better feel for their personality and if they are a legitimate homeschooler.

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