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What would you do for LA for K for this child?


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DD is reading chapter books well. We completed ETC 3 last spring. She is reading probably on a fifth grade level? She can write but handwriting definitely needs work. She does not understand punctuation, capitalization.


I'm leaning towards CLE language 1 but am still searching. I've also considered just doing a FLL, ETC, handwriting program combo. I do feel that she has had a pretty complete phonics instruction. We just went through things rapidly starting at age 4.

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My kindergarteners have always been advanced readers too. I continue to use ETC for spelling (skipping book 4) and use FLL for grammar. When they're tired of ETC we move onto Spelling workout and just fly through the first few books. It's more for extra handwriting practice than anything else. Even though they've always read well, it's taken them a long time to catch onto writing properly. Not the letters, but spacing between words, capitalization, punctuation, etc. And they just didn't have the stamina for writing very much at a time. My current k'er will write several sentences to her sister when it's her own idea, but she doesn't want to write much when I ask her to do copywork.


I've looked at CLE 1 and just thought it looked like overkill on some things that dd already knows well. I like to use FLL1 in K, FLL2 in 1st, R&S 3 in 2nd and so on. If one of my older kids suddenly balked at R&S, CLE would be my back-up plan, but I just like FLL better for K and 1st.

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We just finished kindergarten, and your dd sounds just like mine. We used FLL and she loved it. Each lesson is short and simple, and easy to remember. For handwriting, the Draw Write Now books were a big hit. She thought of it as drawing, so she was always willing to do it. It was fun for her, so it worked better than formal handwriting lessons. You could also continue with ETC, as it teaches spelling and vocabulary, and requires some writing.

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