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Memoria Press Latin - which books..which order??

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My older two have completed Prima Latina. I was going to start them on First Form this year but $ is an issue so I haven't ordered it yet. Then I was sitting here and remembered that I have Latina Christiana I (after our move, I completely forgot I had it!!!). Because I am a planner and like to know where we are going.......


Should they do Latina Christiana II or First Form I after LC I?


Or should they do LC II, then FFL I, and then FFL II?


Or does it really matter???

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I would go ahead and use Latina Christiana I, since you have it, and then when you are done, go to First Form. Skip LCII. There will be some review when you go to First Form, but that's a good thing. First Form is a much better program than LCII--more review and exercises, easier to know what to teach. We got thru about half of LCII before switching to First Form, and my dc have done much better with it.


The difference between the sequences is that LCII is a terminal program for families just wanting to get some Latin under their belt, while the Forms series will cover the entire grammar by the end of Fourth Form. So it kind of depends what your end goal is in Latin, but even still, imo First Form is much better. :)



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What if you did not have LC I or II???


Would you still go with First Form now?


We have Prima Latina, and have gone through some of the book a couple years ago. Now i am looking at getting either LC or FFL.... not sure which route to go...

I had read that FFL will go through 4 levels? Then do you move onto Henle? I'm so confused! :lol: :lol: :bigear: :bigear: :bigear:

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After all of First Form, you skip Henle I.


For the 10 year old in your siggy? LCI goes much slower and is basically memorization. If your 10 year old is definitely still "grammar stage," LCI would be better. If he's started the transition to "logic Stage," he could do FF.


(But I would buy Henle for me, because the explanations are better than in LCI.:001_smile:)

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So I am guessing these are the typical progressions:




Henle I

Henle II

Henle III

Henle IV






First Form

Second Form

Third Form

Fourth Form



Is that right? That the 'Form" Series is meant to be done alone?


I still don't get the major difference between First Form and LCI????

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The Memoria Press Sequence (or Highlands Latin school curriculum) is:


Prima Latina

Latina Christiana I

First Form

Second Form



I'm not sure how this works if you are starting with older students, but Highlands Latin starts with Prima in Grade 2, LC I in Grade 3 and then First Form in Grade 4.

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