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Baby furniture recalls...What do you do?

Would you use furniture that wasn't allowed to be manufactured?  

  1. 1. Would you use furniture that wasn't allowed to be manufactured?

    • No...Burn it!
    • Not for babies, but for decoration or storage.
    • Yes, only if parents were comfortable with the safety.
    • Absolutely..no reason not to.
    • Other

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I just saw the news item about drop-side cribs recalled and about how they may not even be manufactured anymore. We have one we have used since my 16yo was born. It has not been recalled (I've checked before each child was born), we're using it for 20mo DS and we plan on using it for the next baby. The mattress got replaced when 8yo was born since we were using the crib mattress for the toddler bed.


So, I've assembled this thing with each child, I know how it was stored, and I have no worries about it. I rarely use the drop side except when changing the sheet or trying to reach a blanket that my pregnant belly won't quite let me reach otherwise.


I probably wouldn't give it away (this will probably be our last babe) if the total ban on drop-sides goes through, but I might consider setting it up for grandkids. Would you? Would my DILs freak out that I would want to put their children in a no-longer-allowed-to-be-manufactured piece of furniture. By the time we'll be completely done with it, it could just be a few years until oldest could need it for his kid (gulp).


I guess I'm asking about any baby-type furniture. Would you hang on to it if that particular piece hadn't had issues?

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I'll probably get blasted for this, but I think we (as a society) tend to over panic. If there is nothing wrong with THIS crib, you've obviously used it before without incident, then what is the concern??? Examine the crib, research the recall isssue and be aware of it--all should be fine.



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One of my cribs has a current recall on it. I'm still using it. The other I can't find a recall on but I can't imagine that it doesn't considering that the drop side doesn't work quite right and has a tendency to fall. I only use that crib for my newborns and even then they aren't in it that often since most co-sleep with me so the crib rail is down most of the time.


The other is being recalled for slats that could break - My kids aren't the type to jump in the crib or kick the slats so I don't worry about it. I inspect the crib every couple of months and if I saw a slat that might break I would go ahead and do the recall. But this recall required that I send in parts to the crib making it unusable and then wait several months for them to send me a credit to Babies R Us to buy a new crib (which would cost me $100 even after the credit) What am I supposed to do with my toddler for those months? He's too big to sleep in a pack n play.


My kids also sleep in the same crib that my mom had for me when I was a baby when we are there visiting. Generally only my toddler sleeps in there since I figure even if the crib rail were to drop they could climb out without hurting themselves anyway.


I'm not looking forward to them getting rid of drop sides. I can't lay a toddler down in a crib with the mattress in the middle, let alone on the lowest setting without dropping the side. I'm going to have to have a step stool just to put my baby in his crib!

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Guest mrsjamiesouth
I just saw the news item about drop-side cribs recalled and about how they may not even be manufactured anymore. We have one we have used since my 16yo was born. It has not been recalled (I've checked before each child was born), we're using it for 20mo DS and we plan on using it for the next baby. The mattress got replaced when 8yo was born since we were using the crib mattress for the toddler bed.


So, I've assembled this thing with each child, I know how it was stored, and I have no worries about it. I rarely use the drop side except when changing the sheet or trying to reach a blanket that my pregnant belly won't quite let me reach otherwise.


I probably wouldn't give it away (this will probably be our last babe) if the total ban on drop-sides goes through, but I might consider setting it up for grandkids. Would you? Would my DILs freak out that I would want to put their children in a no-longer-allowed-to-be-manufactured piece of furniture. By the time we'll be completely done with it, it could just be a few years until oldest could need it for his kid (gulp).


I guess I'm asking about any baby-type furniture. Would you hang on to it if that particular piece hadn't had issues?



My daughter got her leg stuck in our drop side several times and I just thank God it wasn't her head. When I saw the recalls last November I moved it out of her room and put her in a toddler bed at 16 months.


We gave away the mattress. My dh cut up the crib parts and made storage shelves for his garage.

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I'll probably get blasted for this, but I think we (as a society) tend to over panic.




I agree with this. Most items, when used PROPERLY are safe. But every now and then someone uses them wrong and causes a panic resulting in a ban.


I can't say for sure about the cribs. Some of them may have a real problem, caused by shoddy construction, but I refuse to believe that ALL drop side cribs are a hazard.

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