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No longer Free Range.

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I have always been pretty free range. When we lived in the country, our dc had the run of the 11 acres. They spent their summers outside from sun up to sun down.


I tried to replicate that here - BAD idea.


It came to our attention last night that things had gotten out of control. There was an incident with another neighbor's grandsons. When dh went to take care of it, he talked to another neighbor who told him some of the things that had been going on and how he was entertaining the kids (not just mine) at his house to keep them out of trouble. The influence of yet OTHER neighbor children has turned increasingly negative - so much so that we plan to supervise their future interaction.


It just became obvious that they needed more direct supervision, so we have restricted them to the yard and the cul-de-sac in front of our house. They are not allowed to go anywhere without asking and have been told that they can no longer ride their bikes around the neighborhood. I am going to have to "un"teach them some of the bad habits and manners they have acquired over the past few months.


Thankfully, school starts in a month....

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Ahhh, yes. Neighbor kids. We have these too. :D One of them was asking my 8 yr old daughter to "make out with him". He was also teaching my 7 yro son the F Word. No good. (shaking head)


Good for you for pulling in the reins for a while. I've had to do this before. Makes you feel like a prison warden!!! :D

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Ahhh, yes. Neighbor kids. We have these too. :D One of them was asking my 8 yr old daughter to "make out with him". He was also teaching my 7 yro son the F Word. No good. (shaking head)


Good for you for pulling in the reins for a while. I've had to do this before. Makes you feel like a prison warden!!! :D


Yes, similar things. It seems to be okay when *one* neighbor kids comes over or even one family. When it starts to be a group of various kids, it goes downhill quickly.


I do feel like a prison warden. And it will require way more "thought" from me to come up with things to do that doesn't involve them making me crazy.:tongue_smilie: I thought about doing a summer camp of some sort (on a science topic) and inviting some of the kids in the neighborhood.

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Well, unfortunately, you no longer have the range to be free in. :glare:


Oh, the wisdom in this one phrase. I think this sums up a lot of what is difficult about raising kids today. I would gladly let my kids run free through woods, fields, up streams and mountains, but down the 4-lane highway to the convenience store?...hmm.

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