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More math woes and indecision


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I am getting ready to order curriculum for our 3rd Grade year but I still feel conflicted about math. We just finished SM Standards 1B after a lot of pain and tears getting through. I have 2A, but I am wondering if I shouldn't scrap the SM altogether and try something else. I feel like maybe it just doesn't work for her. How do you decide if it is the math, how you are teaching it, or behavior? And maybe we are at a point it doesn't matter and I need something else just to overcome her mental hurdle with seeing a SM workbook come out. But if we were to switch what would be a good choice that wouldn't involve a ton of backpedaling due to different S&S? I think she is a visual learner with kinesthetic leanings. She refuses to stop counting on her fingers and math facts are a struggle. We play the RS games, she has Quartermile Math. Any help is appreciated as I feel completely out of my depth with how to make this work in our house and it is making homeschooling miserable. I have always loved math so it is doubly frustrating to me to be failing so completely at this.



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Yes, Singapore Math is what we have been doing. I looked at CLE, the scope and sequence seems so different though, we would likely have to do the 1st grade materials. And it doesn't seem to add much in the way of visual or hands on work, although I could be wrong as I haven't seen it IRL. Teaching Textbooks just isn't an option, I watched some of it and I can't see it long term.



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How do you decide if it is the math, how you are teaching it, or behavior? And maybe we are at a point it doesn't matter and I need something else just to overcome her mental hurdle with seeing a SM workbook come out.


But if we were to switch what would be a good choice that wouldn't involve a ton of backpedaling due to different S&S?


I think she is a visual learner with kinesthetic leanings. She refuses to stop counting on her fingers and math facts are a struggle. We play the RS games, she has Quartermile Math. .....




Determing the problem is very hard. If it is with all subjects then it's probably not the curriculum. If it is only with math, then I'm not sure. Getting upset at just seeing the book could happen to any kid. Perhaps SM *is* going to fast for her? Have you considered the RightStart program? I think it is the closest one to SM as they are based on the same research. RS is also a good fit for a visual learner with Kinesthetic leanings. It will give her other things to count on besides her fingers. Maybe just a little of RS will boost her enough to go back to SM... I've heard other say they bounce too.



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I am just finishing SM Stds 2B with my 7 & 8 year old boys. I am just starting 1A with my four year old boy. Yes, four year old. It has been a huge struggle for my 8yo as he has a visual memory issue. It's like groundhog day here every day. Flashcards don't work and he doesn't know his basic add/subt facts. Still counts on fingers, clocks, tallies or anything he can find. I was told by the SM forum to just let him do this until he doesn't need it anymore. So we push on and he gets more and more. I use all the extras like extra practice, challenging word problems, tests, everything. That's why it's July and we're about 70 pgs away from finishing the year. In December, we were way ahead of schedule but I pulled back to work so much on basics that now we're behind.


THAT being said, I believe so firmly in SM and the way it teaches my children that I wouldn't switch. HOWEVER, I AM looking for something else unless my husband can teach math because it would be like me teaching someone to change the oil in their car. I just can't teach math. Everything else, yes. Math, no. Especially SM because it's so logic-based. I LOVE the way they stretch my boys and help them to really dig into equations and see them in different ways. I think that's why SM is so successful and why Americans are not good at math. We can't think outside the box because we are never taught to and we don't have to. So I am severely reluctant to give this up - even though it's been excruciating at times. When it is, I realize that it's really my issue and I'm pushing too hard or have skipped over the concrete and pictorial lessons too quickly before trying out mental math. For my 7yo, I can do that and he gets it. My 8yo needs lots and lots of time in the C & P lessons before we ever dare venture out into mental math. 8yo is an auditory learner/7yo is kinesthetic and visual. So we talk out loud a lot, do tons of math on the white board and play a bunch of math games. A lot of games. Timez Attack for multiplication practice on the computer and lots of computer math drills and games. I would rather take a long time getting the foundation laid and laying a GREAT foundation than rushing it or using another easier program just to make it easier. Because it is easier. And I have to ask myself why. So if I can take it slower and get the same result that I'm looking for, I'm going to do it. But that is because I am terrible in math and I don't want my kids to suffer the same fate. In college I had to take logic as my math equivalency because I couldn't pass math 101.


If you need any suggestions or more detailed math help, use the SM forums. They are excellent and the administrators give great advice and quickly, too.


I hope this helps in any way and I hope you find what you are looking for for your daughter. Enjoy the journey!


Peace & Grace, Kim

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Thanks for the replies. It is definitely just math. She is advanced in everything else, lagging in math, which I guess is another reason I wonder if it is the curriculum choice and how I am teaching it. We started with RS in kindergarten and it didn't really click, but maybe I should look at it again.


I also was considering doing all the extras with SM this year since we haven't in the past. Or maybe trying Math in Focus as the teacher guide seems better to me than the SM Standards HIG. I don't know, I have spent another sleepless night thinking about this and really not drawing a conclusion.



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