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JAG or GWG 4?


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I plan on using AG with my 6th grader next year. My 4th grader finished GWG 3 last year. I thought of using JAG with her next year instead of GWG 4. Then she would skip grammar for 5th and do AG in 6-8. It sounds like JAG is very similar to AG. So, since she likes GWG, should I stick with it? I personally think it is too easy, which is why she likes it. However, she would LOVE taking a year off of grammar too!


Any thoughts?

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Since I own the company, I don't want to weigh in on which program you should use. I don't want to seem to be selling on the board.


I did want you to know that by next year we will have Jr. AG Mechanics ready for sale. It will be a 15-week program that will cover basic punctuation and usage topics; the pre-req will be Jr. AG. I thought you might want to factor that in to your possible decision and planning.



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Thanks for sharing that. My 4th grader only has basic punctuation skills. Waiting until 8th grade to cover that would be a problem. My 6th grader has a better handle on punctuation, so it's not a problem to wait. I do appreciate AG's method of waiting to teach punctuation until grammar is understood. That makes sense. I'm still having issues with my 4th grader on basic punctuation, run-on sentences, fragments, etc...


This news does help me make up my mind.

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I plan on using AG with my 6th grader next year. My 4th grader finished GWG 3 last year. I thought of using JAG with her next year instead of GWG 4. Then she would skip grammar for 5th and do AG in 6-8. It sounds like JAG is very similar to AG. So, since she likes GWG, should I stick with it? I personally think it is too easy, which is why she likes it. However, she would LOVE taking a year off of grammar too!


Any thoughts?


I am biased too, I love JAG and AG, and follow a path similar to the one you are considering.




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As much as I love the look of JAG and AG, funds are tight and I was thinking of doing some free online grammar (like Macmillan/McGraw-Hill's free pages) for 4th grade, and either starting AG early in 5th, or doing more supplement and starting AG in 6th. Is there really a huge benefit to doing JAG in 4th or 5th and then turning around and doing AG in 6th through 8th? Other than getting the kids started earlier, what is the benefit? Thanks.

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Since I own the company, I don't want to weigh in on which program you should use. I don't want to seem to be selling on the board.


I did want you to know that by next year we will have Jr. AG Mechanics ready for sale. It will be a 15-week program that will cover basic punctuation and usage topics; the pre-req will be Jr. AG. I thought you might want to factor that in to your possible decision and planning.




Erin, I'm so glad that you posted this. I didn't realize that you were working on a Jr. AG Mechanics book. I'm filing that info in the back of my head for when my little ones are a bit bigger. I'm so happy with how AG has gone with my 12yo this year. Thanks so much for all your help.

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I used GWG for my 12yo when he was in 5th grade. He thought it was great and easy and did well with it, but didn't actually learn anything by the end of the year. I would recommend going with Jr. AG. I haven't used it, but I've been very happy with AG.

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Erin, I'm so glad that you posted this. I didn't realize that you were working on a Jr. AG Mechanics book. I'm filing that info in the back of my head for when my little ones are a bit bigger. I'm so happy with how AG has gone with my 12yo this year. Thanks so much for all your help.



I'm so glad to hear you're so happy with it! We're excited about the Mechanics program. Look for it in March 2011.

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Thanks for all the replies. I'll be going with JAG/AG. I already told dd(4th) that she'd be dropping GWG. She was sad because it was the one thing I gave her to do that she really didn't have to think that much, making it her favorite.:glare: She agreed it was mainly busy work, with a shrug and a smile. :001_smile:


Erin - I was also wondering what the benefit was of doing JAG before AG, if it is the same info. I plan on doing it, but I'm wondering if I need to.

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Thanks for all the replies. I'll be going with JAG/AG. I already told dd(4th) that she'd be dropping GWG. She was sad because it was the one thing I gave her to do that she really didn't have to think that much, making it her favorite.:glare: She agreed it was mainly busy work, with a shrug and a smile. :001_smile:


Erin - I was also wondering what the benefit was of doing JAG before AG, if it is the same info. I plan on doing it, but I'm wondering if I need to.



With a child who has done grammar before, probably not.


In our case I would say it was necessary, because I don't do much grammar before then, starting with AG is possible, but it would be a little bit of a shock, IMO. I prefer having the gentle intro of JAG then moving to AG.


JAG has simpler sentences, less work, and it only covers the first 10 weeks of AG, less verbals.


You could call GWG your gentle intro.



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With a child who has done grammar before, probably not.


In our case I would say it was necessary, because I don't do much grammar before then, starting with AG is possible, but it would be a little bit of a shock, IMO. I prefer having the gentle intro of JAG then moving to AG.


JAG has simpler sentences, less work, and it only covers the first 10 weeks of AG, less verbals.


You could call GWG your gentle intro.




That's a good way of putting it. We just find that doing Jr. AG allows for an easier time in AG. Now with the addition of the Jr. Mechanics, though, I think it makes Jr AG more important (if the child is 6th or below). Jr. AG is a pre-req for Jr. Mechanics. I think doing Jr. Mech is going to be a great way to substantively cover basic punctuation rules before middle school.

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