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repost re. SOTW - please advise


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I am thinking of using SOTW Middle ages audio w/ activity book for projects along with notebooking. DS, grade 8 & a bit little delayed in academics, was MORTIFIED to see the WP Middle Ages set I purchased! Mind you, we have enjoyed BF, Sonlight, and WP in past years and we've truly enjoyed them (I'm sure it's the time period he doesn't care for). Anyways, not wanting to spoil his love for learning, i am going to go light here. Is this a good choice? Is this too easy- Should I add in MOH alongside w/ WP notebooking pages?






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I am thinking of using SOTW Middle ages audio w/ activity book for projects along with notebooking. DS, grade 8 & a bit little delayed in academics, was MORTIFIED to see the WP Middle Ages set I purchased! Mind you, we have enjoyed BF, Sonlight, and WP in past years and we've truly enjoyed them (I'm sure it's the time period he doesn't care for). Anyways, not wanting to spoil his love for learning, i am going to go light here. Is this a good choice? Is this too easy- Should I add in MOH alongside w/ WP notebooking pages?







What was he specifically mortified about?

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It would seem to me that SOTW spine is very light for an 8th grader. I agree with other posters that you would need to add some higher level lit and some deeper reading, but you are looking for a light program this year, and this would fill the bill. I like the addition of notebooking. Was he mortified by the reading level or something else?

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I don't know how to get your response in blue....


Cadam- I will be using IEW Medieval and PP, TLP literature guides which integrate into the Medieval study, along with choice readers (Otto of the Silver Hand, The Door in the Wall --others from BF book list). Some will be read-alouds, others read independently at a slower pace.


Tina- The number of books on a topic he's really not interested in just turned him off. If someone gave me a stack of books on somethung like....goverment ..I'd feel the same way. That's why I want to modify this year.


I appreciate your responses. Thank you :}

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You might consider Biblioplan. Ds2 used it this year for Middle Ages. It uses SOTW 2 and Kingfisher History Encyclopedia along with Rats, Bulls, and Flying Machines. It also gives suggestions for fiction reading--I made my own list for that. We didn't use the SOTW activity guide as I found the activities and suggested resources a bit "young" for my ds. Biblioplan also includes mapwork and a timeline.


This was just right for my non-history loving ds, and worked well for us. It enabled us to focus on writing summaries and outlines.




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I don't know how to get your response in blue....In the bottom right corner of each post is a "Quote" or "+" button. The former is to quote one poster, the later to quote multiple posters. Hit"Quote" on the final poster you want to quote.


Cadam- I will be using IEW Medieval and PP, TLP literature guides which integrate into the Medieval study, along with choice readers (Otto of the Silver Hand, The Door in the Wall --others from BF book list). Some will be read-alouds, others read independently at a slower pace.


Tina- The number of books on a topic he's really not interested in just turned him off. If someone gave me a stack of books on somethung like....goverment ..I'd feel the same way. That's why I want to modify this year.


I appreciate your responses. Thank you :}

Well, that makes sense :) I think you're doing plenty in the other content areas, so while SOTW as a spine is "light" that's exactly what you're looking for. I'll bet everything else you have planned will dive more deeply into several aspects and you're ds may develop an interest :)


Enjoy your great study w/ SOTW! I'd probably skip the AGs but get some maps and you're good to go!

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