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Chalkdust Precalculus question

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My ds will finish CD Algebra 2 this week. We have the Precalc 3rd edition. Can he go right into the first chapter or should he do the Prerequisite chapter first? I normally like as much reinforcement in math as possible, but this book is going to take a very long time to finish. Any opinions? Thanks.

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My ds did the first chapter, but then later said he wished he'd just skipped it. He didn't learn anything new, and it delayed his completion date. Unless your child was struggling in Alg 2, I would just skip the prerequisite chapter.


Thanks. That is kind of how I am leaning, since he's going straight from Alg. 2 to Precalc. He won't be taking an extended break so he should be pretty fresh. Alg. 2 has been no problem for him.

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I would do the "Prerequisite" chapter. It was a good introduction to how much thinking and work goes into precalc questions. Also, for us, it was a good intro to "learn how to use the graphing calculator" which was a steep learning curve for us. (I've heard others have the same hard time getting familiar with the graphing calculator if you haven't used it yet.) If it is a no brainer, you should be able to do it in 7-8 school days.


Edited by 74Heaven
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We are right where you are, starting precalc. on 8/5. I had my daughter look through the chapter to make sure she remembered everything from Alg. II. She did, so we are skipping it.


Finishing the text in a single school year is going to be quite a task anyway, so that extra week or so would make a difference. Dana Mosely says many students do CD precalculus in 1 1/2 years. We are still planning on a single year, 'cause it would drive me batty not to finish a year's worth of lessons in a year, but it is a lot of material.



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