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S/O Please help me understand this about loop scheduling...


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In order to do this, you'd have to have them working pretty independently, wouldn't you?


I have a 2nd grader who needs me working with him all the time he is working. 5th grader needs me for a lot too, the way we do things (teacher-intensive). I have it tentatively set up this fall for skill subjects to do an hour and a half with younger while older does anything she can independently, then do hour and a half with older while younger plays or does his minimal amount of stuff he can do independently. Then reverse that again til lunchtime. After lunch it is content stuff (TOG and sci) together.


How is it possible to loop schedule if you are doing a lot of the work with them?

(I tried last yr going back and forth between them at the same time and it was a disaster.)

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I had saved some "loop scheduling" threads for future reference. I went and tagged all of them as "loop scheduling" (at the bottom of this page, if you click on the link under "tags" you'll find them). I also had saved someone (JudoMom?)'s post with a flow chart for her schedule (don't know if she uses the loop, but the flow chart is pretty cool).


I don't loop, but I thought the idea interesting, so while I can't answer your question, maybe I can point you in the right direction ...

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How is it possible to loop schedule if you are doing a lot of the work with them?


You'd have to make an independent work loop for each child, listing what they can do without you. Then make a loop for you. Grab the kid who you need next for your loop, but have the children simultaneously all working independently from their own loops.


In your case, I guess the second grader just wouldn't be doing anything else besides the looping with you, but your fifth grader would have the independent loop to run through as well.

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Ever make a to-do list? What happens when you don't finish Tuesday's to-do? You simply move it to Wed,. right? Same concept. List what needs to be completed, they choose when, whatever is left over, they move to the next day, but have to complete it BEFORE they begin the "next day's" loop.


We do ours this way, although I didn't know we were looping: Little Leaguers have cards they move from TODO to COMPLETED. IF there is something they don't get to, they can't start fresh with their cards until all cards have been moved.


With older dc, they have a list of all topic areas, place it in a sleeve, then mark it off as they go. If they don't get something finished, they have to start there before beginning the "next day." By the end of each week they know they must have x-math, x-science, x-history, etc completed. So, I guess overall, we are kinda looping, except I really expect/strongly hope, they finish their list every day!

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