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I don't like painting!

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Excuse me while I whine. We are painting the classroom....by "we" I mean ME. My 14 yo ds is sick so he can't help. DH is at work. 19 yo ds doesn't live here anymore. My "helper" is my 6 yo ds. :banghead::banghead: I must finish tonight so we can do the floors tomorrow. Tomorrow is the only day I have my dh available to make cuts! ARRRGHHH!!! I am overwhelmed.


That's all.

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Me neither. I really hate it. When we moved, my wonderful, wonderful husband let us hire painters for both the old house and the new house. I was so very grateful.


Of course, Schmooey pulled the towel holder out of the wall and we will have to patch and paint... the bathroom itself could use another coat of paint. I am not sure he will take kindly to that.

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DS14 wants to paint his room (now that big brother is off to the air force). I offered to pay for the paint, but he has to supply the labor. I suspect he is about to get a BIG eye opener about how much work it is to paint a room.


He thinks he will be done in time to go to a movie this afternoon...... :lol:

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Exactly why we hired someone LOL. Some people claim to find it relaxing....I claim to find it annoying.

I'm one of those people that loves painting. I wouldn't call it relaxing--more like refreshing. It freshens up the room AND it's something I can do that stays done for more than five minutes. We're painting our classroom now also.

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We're painting today, too!!!


We're creating a Disney bedroom for our youngest! So we have bright blue on the top and bright red on the bottom, with a white chair rail in between. Then we have lots of Disney decor to add the finishing touches.


We're about halfway done right now and I can't wait for her to see it!! :hurray:

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