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documentary on Sahara / Salt?

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I'm looking for a documentary we saw a few years back on PBS or TLC but I can't remember the name. It was about the Tuareg peoples crossing the Sahara for 3-6? months for pillars of salt that they strapped onto their camels. There was also a small boy on the trek; he wondered off onto the dunes for a bit. ... does this ring a bell with anyone? Do you know the name or where I could find this documentary?


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no, "The Last Salt Caravan" isn't it. I'll have to watch that one on youtube.. looks very interesting as well!


I think that's right, the boy's name was Adam. There was something about him running off and they would have had to leave him if he went far because to stop for any length of time, for any reason, would mean they would not make it to the next water hole. I also remember him sleeping on a camel and when they returned to the village he was celebrated and was counted a real man.


I hope someone remembers the name! I'm not getting much by searching "salt, sahara, etc" maybe it was a series under Egypt. ?

Edited by Deborah
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Google... managed to pull up a blog that talked about the show and gave the title. It's amazing how having just the one added fact (the boys name) makes google work better for you.


I remember seeing parts of this years ago, but I wouldn't have remembered the boys name and I think without his name it would have been nearly impossible to find.

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