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Need help thinking of age-appropriate chores for dd10 and ds7

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I don't assign chores, and especially during the school year. Dd is a really motivated student who does all her schoolwork and then even likes to do self-initiated extra school projects, etc. I pretty much feel because of that, that her job is her school right now. She does basic chores like making bed, unloading dishwasher, taking care of her pets. She is conscientious with the chores she does and often will take time to clean her closet or organize her bookshelf etc w/out being asked.


I guess beyond their normal small daily stuff like that, I pretty much just expect them to help when asked (clean with me when I'm cleaning, empty wastebaskets, weed their own small garden, etc.) And they do that pretty willingly. I don't do this type of stuff a lot though, especially during the school year.


During the summer, I'm thinking they should help a little more (tons of downtime is leading to quarreling, etc.), but I'm not sure what is appropriate. And I'd like them to start helping a little more even during the school year, where they can. I think younger ds especially needs more chore time, since he's not very self-motivated about it and it would generally be a good help to his character-building.


So for instance, as a summer chore, would it be too much to ask dd to do something like deep clean the whole bathtub, including the walls of it, faucets, etc.? (Not with chemicals-we use natural stuff.) It would probably take about an hour or a little more. (This would be a one-time job.) Note: We don't pay them for chores and don't want to start, even for bigger ones like this, so if it's too big a chore, I'd rather just have her not do it, or do it together as a team. I just need to figure out what they can realistically be doing at their ages! I'd like to have them do chores at the highest level they are capable of, so they can start learning how to do them, and esp. for the younger one, so he can start getting a little more of a work ethic. And I think they would also be more interested in learning some higher level chores rather than baby stuff! Thanks!

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My dc clean the whole bathrooms -- tub, sinks, toilet, floors.

They load and unload the dishwasher, put away dishes, sweep the kitchen floor, wipe down counters.

The 10 and 12 year olds run laundry through the washer and dryer and do some folding (everyone puts away laundry).

They vacuum -- including the stairs.

The older 3 (9, 10, 12) all cook meals -- usually simple things, but sometimes more elaborate.

They gather and take out the trash (the 5 year old gathers, but the bag is too big when full).

They wash windows. The older 2 mop.

The older ones mow and edge the lawn.


We do pay them some for 'extra' jobs (lawn care, cooking), and they're expected to pay for things like scout camp with money saved from odd jobs.

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Our kids have a day of the week that they get to pick what we have for breakfast (and help fix it, set the table, clean up), and sometime during the day, wipe the bathroom counter.

Saturday mornings, ds10 empties all trash cans, replaces the bags, takes everything to the outdoor receptacle;

dd9 washes the doors, inside and out;

dd8 straightens the DVDs and dusts the television & cabinet it sits on (and usually dusts the rest of the house, too;

ds6 sweeps the front and back porches (very small porches) and stairs.

In addition on Sat. morning, someone cleans the toilet, someone cleans the bathroom floor, someone sweeps the kitchen floor, someone mops the kitchen, and someone vacuums. Everyone straightens the living room and school room and their own room. (Maybe I should admit to you that our house is the size of a well-made closet.:lol:)Also, laundry sorting, folding, putting away, etc.

We issue "stars" on a chart on the fridge. Each job requested to be done gets a star, a job done on their own gets a heart! At the end of the month, I add up the stars/hearts and issue a nickel each. (They also do a lot of ranch chores--feeding, weeding, mowing, etc.) They are saving up!

They do these jobs whether it is school time or not because I vowed not to have the problem a friend of mine had. Her 18yo dd went off to college and called after the first week, in tears, because she had no idea how to do her laundry. BECAUSE SHE HAD NEVER DONE IT. Her mom thought dd needed to focus on "being a kid". I figure I'm not raising my kids to be kids. I'm raising them to be adjusted, capable adults!

Just a thought! And for summer--with all that exuberance and excess energy (that is, fighting!)--I'd say let them dig in and help.

As one old-timer I know says: They ain't gonna learn any younger!

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I really think I should have given mine more specific jobs when they were younger. They would always help but I was training them to do what I asked and not training them to be responsible for their own job. They do much more as teens but still tend to fall back on my reminders.

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