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Do you do Shurley Grammar 3 everyday?


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I did. :) Shurley is planned out to be done 5 days per week and that's the schedule we followed since it's fairly quick and easy (no more than 20 min). Day 5 is the writing assignment. I did most, but not all, so some weeks we only did 4 days.


There were some weeks where I couldn't get it in every day and I found it easiest to combine Day 1 and Day 2 together into one lesson.

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We used SG2 last year and will be using SG3 this year. We did SG in 3 days per week but, we didn't do the writing assignments because we used WWE I. It was easy to combine days since we were doing strictly the grammar portion of the lessons. We did do the writing a friendly letter and the thank you notes but, that was all that we did for the creative writing. I've looked through SG3 and it looks as though we'll be able to do the same thing that we did last year since we're doing WWE II & III this year along with SG3.

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We did last year...with Shurley 4. Dd 10 learned a lot, too. This year though I am going to do Vocabulary from the Classical Roots on Mondays, because Shurley schedules vocab. that day, and going to supplement with WWE. I don't think we are going to do the tests this year either. I am trying to be more relaxed. We'll see how that goes.:)

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