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Visting Science....again


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Ok so I posted on my ds8 a bit ago looking to switch his science. I did and he likes it better. He can read it on his own which he likes a lot. There are also experiments at the end of every chapter.


Now I thought my daughter would be fine but....


She is using Apologia (which I really like for the upper grades) and she just doesn't like it. It takes her forever to do a lesson and that is just doing a couple pages and a question.


General Science is what she is using right now. Here are some questions...


For those that have used it, does it get better? She is only through Lesson 1 but she just doesn't seem to be enjoying it.


What other programs are out there that are engaging? Looking for grade 7-8.


Maybe it is just General Science? I have Physical Science as well, should I try having her do a lesson in that and see if it is any better for her?


Help!? :)

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Isn't lesson 1 about history of science? If I remember correctly, that was pretty dry stuff. The first few lessons were tough to get through. My dd was really excited about the archaeology lesson and that started to turn the program around. Module 2, scientific thought was better as well. I would look ahead and see if the rest of the book is engaging to you or not.


We did like Physical better than General. General ended on a good note, but it was just not as exciting for dd as Physical.

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