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Please share your 6th AND 7th grade schedule for 2010-2011


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I just bought almost all of my curricula today, but I can't tell you how it's going to play out schedule-wise until we get in there and get our feet wet. But here's what's going to be going on in general with my 6th - grade Matt:


Math--Teaching Textbooks (teachingtextbooks.com). It's the one thing I haven't purchased yet because I need for Matt to take his placement test. He's been very busy with Summer Music School, and with studying for his Amateur Radio license (the exam is 7/28) so I want to give him some downtime. Anyway, I presume he will be placed in the grade-appropriate book if not a little ahead. In practical math, dh and Matt are going to do the stock market game where they invest $10,000 imaginary dollars and track their investments over the course of the year. Dh will teach Matt how to read the business pages.


Language Arts -- Michael Clay Thomas Town series, which I'm hoping we'll get through quickly and move forward to the next (Royal Fireworks Press -- http://www.rfwp.com/mct.php).


History -- Much as I loved the Oxford University Press series, I ended up going with History Odyssey (http://www.pandiapress.com) due to the price difference.


Science -- The Elements (ellenjmchenry.com), plus we'll work out of the BANNED Golden Book of Chemistry. I'm pretty psyched to set up a lab in the garage. We may get involved in some extra science from our Literature. And then the two nights a week I'm off in Microbiology, the dh will be doing some Radio Theory stuff.


Literature (though History Odyssey provides a lot of literature): We'll be reading the Complete Tales of Sherlock Holmes. My son's a HUGE reader and I wanted to give him something to challenge him. I also bought a couple of supplementary texts that look at the science of Sherlock Holmes.


LEGO Robotics Team (hopefully) at the Homeschool Resource Center.


Critical thinking: Building Thinking Skills, Level 2 and Mindbenders (http://www.criticalthinking.com).


Music: Private viola lessons. Participation in orchestra. Private piano lessons.


PE: We're both going to do the Couch to 5K program so that we can do some fun 5K runs during the late fall/early winter months. Workouts/swimming at the YMCA. Possibly private golf lessons--we've been told he's a natural.


Arts/Crafts? Who knows! We'll make some museum visits, especially relating to our history curriculum, and I do believe History Odyssey has some art projects with it. Each year since Matt was a toddler, we've taken on one significant Christmas craft for decorating our house for years to come. Haven't figured that one out yet. He's also very interested in making candles.


It all sounds pretty crazy, doesn't it? I know Math and LA and Literature will happen daily. History maybe 3x a week as well as critical thinking. Science 1-2x/week.


Private music lessons are 1/2 hour each and orchestra is 40-50 minutes 2x/week.


Golf lessons, if they happen, will happen on the weekend.

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6th grader


Math: Life of Fred Decimals, Singapore Math 5b/6a

LA: MCT, the whole program

History: WTM guidelines using Kingfisher and other resources

Science: CPO Life Science

Lit: following WTM guidelines,but using more Sonlight books

Logic: Building Thinking Skills 3 Figural

Typing program: Undecided

Spelling: Sequential Spelling 3

Art: Various projects from some Usborne art books and art appreciation of ancient artwork

Music: piano; Classics Appreciation: http://www.classicsforkids.com/ Modern Music Appreciation: I'm using allmusic.com to help me be more deliberate about introducing great modern music.

PE: karate, soccer

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We plan on starting August 16. But you know what they say about the best laid plans. Judging from last year, somedays we're done early and some a lot longer. Just depends on how motivated dd is. :001_smile:


Bible - Weekly Torah Portion (OT, Prophets, NT) - daily - 30 mins

Science - Apologia Human Anatomy - daily - 30 mins (not really sure - since this book is brand new)

Math - Teaching Textbooks - Pre-Algebra - daily - 45 mins (not really sure - this will be our first year for this dd)

History - Veritas Press 1815 to Present - daily - 40 mins

For. Language - Rosetta Stone Spanish 1 - 4x/wk - 20 mins

Language Arts -


BJU Writing & Grammar - daily - 30 mins


Wordly Wise Vocabulary - daily - 20 mins


Megawords Spelling - daily - 20 mins


Reading from Veritas Press List - daily - 30 mins


Copywork - from the Bible - daily - 30 mins


Music Appr - Getting to Know... Series by Mike Venezia- 2x/wk - 15 mins

Transition - 5 Minute Mysteries... Series by Ken Weber - 3x/wk - 15 mins

Art - 1x/wk - 60 mins - on the day there is no Spanish - outside class

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7th grade:


Math - Saxon 8/7


English- Rod and staff 6th


Spelling - CLP Building Spelling Skills 6


Vocabulary -Wordly Wise Book 7


Editor in Chief B1


Information Resources grade 6


French - Switched on Schoolhouse Secondary French


Word Roots A1




Sonlight Core 5 (second half)


Kansas State History


Story of the World 4


My Bible Journal


Buidling Thinking Skills 3 figural


That's it.

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Here's our grade 7 time table and schedule. Our school year starts at the beginning of February and finishes at the beginning of December, so we are half way through. My daughter will go to school next year (all my children go to high school)


5:10am - Up and swimming


7:00am - Shower, breakfast, make bed, tidy room


8:15am - Religion Bible reading and Religion for Young Catholics


8:30am - Maths Excel Year 7 (It was Saxon Algebra 1/2, and I have loved the Saxon series, but thought for next year she needs to have covered all the bases that other Year 7's here would have covered)


If she hasn't finished a chapter within the hour, she just stops and continues on from there the next day.


9:30am - Piano Scales and theory


10:00am - English : Galore Park English

: Jump In - Apologia

: Wordly Wise - Book 4

: Spelling (made up from WW or Galore)

: Grammar - Rod and Staff 6

: Literature - Lightning Literature 9th Grade


She always does the first four but if she's really interested in her Jump In writing then I leave the grammar and literature for the next day.


11:30am - Science - Education Exploration (I love, love, love this science programme) Science in primary schools in Australia is virtually non-existant, so anything is better than nothing but I still LOVE this. We also read a little bit of Physics - Real Science for kids Level 1


If dd is building a science project we can go a bit longer, but usually next is


11:50am - German - Muzzy DVDs


12:00 - Angelus prayer and lunch


12:45 - History We are focusing on Australian history for this semester and reading various books. I read and she draws.


1:05 - Art - How to Talk to Children About Art - another book that is really good. I think I bought this one in an art gallery somewhere (either here or in London).


1:20 - Poetry - Read 2-3 poems a day by the same poet. Every week the poet changes. This week is Wordsworth.


1:30 - Piano - Play exam pieces. We have broken piano playing into 2 parts so it's not too much in one go of things that she has to do. She plays other favourite pieces throughout the day.


2:00 - Stretching/Ballet - Trying to get some stretches/ballet in while I read a saint's biography to her. Some days it works, others not so well :001_smile:


Others: She has had the last four weeks off swimming while the pool gets repainted over winter, so we have had later mornings - Yay!! However it will be back to normal at the beginning of August.

She swims four mornings a week and also Saturday morning and three afternoons a week.

She goes to piano one afternoon a week from 1:00pm

She goes to ballet two afternoons a week.

She goes to scouts one evening a week.


She is also the only child that I have at home. My son finished school last year and my other daughter is in year 11, so obviously my time table would be a lot different if I had other children to teach as well.


Oh and I've just ordered a logic book. Hopefully, it will arrive in the next couple of weeks.


HTH and all the best.

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6th grade plans........read note below, give me your opinion, please!


M-F Grammar............Abeka "C", maybe "peak" with CLE

3x/wk Composition........Write Shop I

M-F Math.................BJU 6 with Teaching Textbooks as a backup

M-F Science (Sept-Dec)..............BJU 6, Apologia Young Explorers (Astronomy, Botany, Human Physiology and Anatomy)

M-F History (Jan-Apr)...............Abeka New World History, MOH 1

M-F Health (May-June)................Abeka and above (Apologia Human Physiology and Anatomy)

M-F Spelling/Vocab......Abeka OR Wordly Wise (still deciding) suggestions??

1-2 x/wk Art.....................Nothing yet...yikes

Music..................Violin 1x/lesson and practice nearly everyday

1x/wk Horseback Riding lessons

1x/wk Reading Comprehension

Here and there ~ extras: Manners, Penmanship, completing Bible Study weekly lesson questions


OK, bring it on........improvements? Tell me which one/s and WHY? Need reasons? :D


Thanks. Sheryl <><


PS...I would like input on helping my dd to start to do a subject or two more independently. I just do NOT have time to spend all day or "nearly so" teaching. Plus, I think it will be good for her. Suggestions here!!! What am I missing? Too much, too little, or substitute?

Edited by sheryl
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This will be easy :-)

From the CLAA:


Grammar/Latin: finishing Grammar I and starting Grammar II

Math: Arithmetic

Bible: continuing Catechism & Scripture Catechism and starting 7 year Biblical Studies with this year's Pentateuch

Writing: Sola Scriptorum (Writer's School) - Narration and Figures of Speech

Vocabulary: Classical Vocabulary I

History: World Chronology I

Geography: cont. World Geography

Art: Music History or Art History


and thinking about Dialectic

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My 6th grader's Schedule is as follows:


Math: last 1/2 of CLE Math 5, Finish CLE Math 6 by end of Summer next year.


Language Arts: R&S English and Spelling 5, Write the Best & Poetry (as scheduled with HOD, CTC).


Reading: DITHR 4/5


Bible, History, Science: as scheduled in Heart of Dakota, "Creation to Christ"


French: Le Francais Facile I


Music/Health: R&S


Art: Co-op

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7th/8th Grade Schedule (my dd is 12 so I don't know if we'll start high school in 2011/12 or 2012/13.


Trisms EOC for History & a bit of Literature and Writing included

Literature - Co-op

Writing - Co-op

Math - Singapore NEM 1

Science - The Rainbow (we plan on doing the 2 years minus Biology because we'll do that next at HS level)

Spanish - Rosetta Stone

Critical Thinking - The Fallacy Detective

Home Economics - with focus on sewing this year

Art/Music/Gym - still figuring these out

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  • 3 weeks later...

7th Grade - started three weeks ago and doing a four-day school week.


Most importantly...we use SkedTrack so he can stay on top of his schedule.


Journal - expected to write for 20 minutes each morning on various prompts

Math - Life of Fred (Fractions, Decimals and PreAlgebra with Biology this year)

Math - supplementing with Time4Learning 8th Grade PreAlgebra

Literature - Literary Lessons from Lord of the Rings

Language Arts - Daily Grams and Time4Learning

Writing - Apologia Jump In

Spelling - A Beka 7th Grade along with Spelling City

Greek - Basic Greek in 30 Minutes a Day

History - Florida Virtual School World Geography

Logic - The Fallacy Detective


Classes outside the home with teachers:

Science - General Science

Intermediate Computer Science (programming with Java)

Lego Robotics



Tae Kwon Do (working on black belt)

Boy Scouts


AWANA LIT (Leader In Training)



This is a HUGE departure for us. Until now, he's used A Beka for almost all studies. His standardized test scores as a result are 'Post High School'. We wanted to make this year a bit more fun but still maintain a good academic level. We'll change things as needed but, for now, he is really enjoying his classes.

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