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elem level ancient history/cultures


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DS is really enjoying picking out books about ancient Egypt, China, and Greece. He is really really enjoying the mythology that goes with it. It is the main focus of his creative play lately :)


I am looking for more resources - texts, activity books, supplemental books, DVDs, audio books, just for fun reading, websites, games, etc. Basically ANYTHING.


I know alot of people like/use religious curriculums and resources, but we are actually looking for something that is NOT religious. I really want it be fairly secular and based upon science/archeology/proven historical facts.


Any suggestions? TIA!

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Take a look at the link in my sig for some books. Most of them are visually appealing. I also plan to add some to the 3rd-5th grade level. Ancient Science, Boy of the Painted Cave, Classical Kids, I am looking at this one but don't have it in my hands yet...Mythology (DK Eyewitness Books).

You also might want to add some books from the You wouldn't want to be... series.


This curriculum Quest for the Ancient World also has a lot of activity resources you might like.

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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My dd really likes D'Aulaire's Greek Myths, and we enjoyed the projects in Classical Kids by Laurie Carlson. For a strong reader, I highly recommend Black Ships Before Troy by Rosemary Sutcliffe - it's an illustrated Iliad for kids.

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DS is really enjoying picking out books about ancient Egypt, China, and Greece. He is really really enjoying the mythology that goes with it. It is the main focus of his creative play lately :)


I am looking for more resources - texts, activity books, supplemental books, DVDs, audio books, just for fun reading, websites, games, etc. Basically ANYTHING.


I know alot of people like/use religious curriculums and resources, but we are actually looking for something that is NOT religious. I really want it be fairly secular and based upon science/archeology/proven historical facts.


Any suggestions? TIA!


Padraic Colum and Roger Lancelyn Green both did retellings of world mythology.


The D'Aulaires have a Greek Mythology and a Norse Mythology book.


Jim Weiss has a couple of story cds that are based on world mythology. I think we have two that are Greek, one that is Norse and one or two that are world stories. We have about 20 of Jim Weiss' cds and I haven't found one yet that I don't like.


Odds Bodkin is another storyteller. We have his Odysseus and Rage of Hercules (His Paul Bunyan is another family favorite). I haven't heard much of his other stories but I really like everything I have heard.


The Good Times Travel Agency books are fun. They are a little like a Magic School Bus book, with one part of the page detailing the storyline and another part of the page giving the historical background.


The History Detectives series by Philip Ardagh is good. They are two part books. The first part has the historical background. The second part has a mystery that is solved by the reader by referring back to the non-fiction content. I think they are now out of print, but might be in libraries.


Peter Conolly has some excellent books on Greece and Rome. The Ancient Greece of Odysseus, The Legionary, The Cavalryman, and The Holy Land are some of my favorites. (BTW, The Holy Land is one of the best treatments I've seen of the time between the rise of Herod the Great and the destruction of Jerusalem. It isn't a religious book, but it does deal with the history of this important area.)


The History Pockets series also has some books on ancients.


We are also using Story of the World. I especially like the audio version because I can load it onto my younger son's iPod and he can listen while he plays with Legos. (This is read, btw, by Jim Weiss.)


I would suggest the Veritas Press catalog as a great reading list for this era. Most of the book titles in the catalog that aren't published by VP are secular. A quick check of the reviews on Amazon will probably catch any that aren't.


Depending on his age, maybe Rosemary Sutcliff. Although my experience was that the books dragged for my kids as a read aloud. We're hitting them again this year, now that they can read them for themselves and keep a faster pace.

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