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2 TOG questions...

Kelly in IL

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I'm trying to get set up for fall and have two questions for those of you who have used TOG before.


blank.gif First, I have been trying to follow the instructions from the TOG website on how to set up a Mom's Working Folder but am not sure about where to find the project planning sheet that I am supposed to use in this step:


Take your weekly folder for Week 1 and move the Evaluations, field trip info, project planning sheet, and additional resources sheet to the pocket folder in front of week 1. Do the same for week 2 and week 3.


Second, I have seen several references to spine books, but am not sure where to find a list of these books or what exactly they are. Do you need them in addition to all the books that are listed by year/unit on the Lampstand Press web site?


Thanks a lot in advance!

Kelly :001_smile:

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I can't answer the one about the project planning sheet -- I don't know if there is one available for you to copy, or if you just make up your own.


The term "spine" just refers to books that are used for several weeks (or even a whole unit). They are already listed in the "History Core" section of the reading assignments, but not designated as "spine". That term's not an official TOG term ;)

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blank.gif First, I have been trying to follow the instructions from the TOG website on how to set up a Mom's Working Folder but am not sure about where to find the project planning sheet that I am supposed to use in this step:


Take your weekly folder for Week 1 and move the Evaluations, field trip info, project planning sheet, and additional resources sheet to the pocket folder in front of week 1. Do the same for week 2 and week 3.



Kelly, I think that is referring to this section:


Hands-On Projects: As you are browsing each week plan, you may want to make a list of projects you'd like to assign and a list of materials for each one. Place finished materials list in appropriate folders.


Optionally: You may want to create a planning sheet for hands-on projects. Note the name of the project, where the directions are found, and list any supplies needed. Place this sheet in the appropriate week's folder.


It is a list you would make on your own if you want to do some of the projects. I don't think there is a blank form in the materials to use for that.


ETA: And thanks for that link! I had never been to that page before.

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We've done year 1 and half of year 2, but I just recently took time to REALLY look at what was on the Loom cd. :tongue_smilie:I wish I'd discovered those resources earlier! I have been doing some version of a weekly folder, but with my own planning sheets for each week.

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